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Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:53 pm
by hvydrt
Started out from Manker Flats at 6:30 this morning. I put on my crampons at the register just after leavening the fire road. Who ever broke trail to the Ski Hut took a good direct route. I made good time to the ski hut and took a short break. Note: if you are using the Ski Hut or camping in the area, and plan on using the ski hut pooper, bring a shovel, the door is buried. After a nice break at the ski hut, and getting a better look at the bowl, I decide to head straight up the center. (that was my first mistake for the day.) I got to 9600' and called it quits. There were a few moves I would have had to pull off on rock and ice to get where I need to be, and I decided it wasn't safe. I returned to the ski hut and found Kurt Wedberg and a few clients at the hut. They said they decide not to goto the top, and were going to practice some snow skills near the hut. Topped off my water from the ski hut sink and headed down. On the way down I saw a set of tracks that went directly at the bend in the fire road near the water fall. I decided to take the "short cut" (mistake number two) Anyway, I post holed up to my crotch multiple times and got a few good pokes from the plants underneath, but finally reached the fire road.

Snow was excellent in the morning, and slushy on the way down. Temps were great, even a little on the warm side in the sun. I think it was about 45 in the sun at the hut, mid AM.

Here are some pictures:

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:00 pm
by Travis
thanks for the Trip Report. How were the conditions in the bowl? Was the snow consolidated? Did you sink in or were you able to walk ontop? What time were you heading up it? Did the snow conditions contribute to you turning around?

You said your 1st mistake was going straight up, what do you recommend, staying to the left?

sorry for all the questions,


Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:57 pm
by hvydrt
Travis, the conditions going up were excellent, nice and firm, no post holing. I was heading up at about 8:30. It got a little softer toward the top. a 5:30 start time might have been better. There were a few areas near the rock out cropping and chute on the left that didn't look safe snow wise. I avoided those areas and stayed right (thats why I ended up trying to stay in the rock) The wind was also blowing hard on the ridge, sending pieces of ice and rock down the chute (another reason I went the way I did) I saw 2 other trails up the bowl, one on the west side,( to the regular trail) and one on the east(up to the harwood/baldy saddle.) Those two looked safe and you can avoid dealing with the rock.

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:49 pm
by Taco
Beautiful pics! Rockfall is always a problem in the bowl, and I tend to go to the right side of the gendarmes in order to avoid getting taken down.

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:56 pm
by glamisking
Hey HVY I followed your tracks down the short cut on the fire road. What you called your 2nd mistake I called the best part of the day. I did a sitting snowshoe glissade the whole way down. It was scary fast but I never would have gone that way if I hadn't seen your tracks. Thanks for the pics cause the clouds cut down our view to 50 feet.

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:24 am
by hvydrt
glam, did you ski up there our just hike? I saw those clouds starting to roll in as I was taking that short cut.

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:43 am
by He219
I'd like to get a SGM group together interested to ski/board down the Bowl.
Finally enough snow. One additional foot predicted for tomorrow.
I say in a week or so. Any takers?

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:21 pm
by Taco
Sounds cool. I can't ski, so I can be the beer mule. :lol: I'd love to see some or most of the board members get together for something like this.

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:30 pm
by Travis
He219 wrote:I'd like to get a SGM group together interested to ski/board down the Bowl.
Finally enough snow. One additional foot predicted for tomorrow.
I say in a week or so. Any takers?
I would love to snowboard in the bowl, it has been years since I have. Anyone have a board I can borrow?

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:49 pm
by Taco
The base photo isn't mine, I just put the runs in.


Should be able to tackle them in an SGM group weekend. 8)

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:32 pm
by hvydrt
That would be fun. Its been a few years since I have snowboarded, but I was good at one time. I don't think I will be boarding any of the chutes in Tacos picture to start. It will come back to me once I push off over the edge and get some speed. :D

Maybe camp somewhere in the area so we can get multiple runs in?????

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:38 pm
by He219
Travis, I may have an extra deck - but Taco's got first dibs if he gets some practice first.
Only thing I don't have is an extra set of bindings; those or an entire setup are easily rented at Sports Chalet or the like.
hvydrt wrote: Maybe camp somewhere in the area so we can get multiple runs in?????
I contacted the Hut Host Jeff Moran to see about the possibility of an overnight next Friday (Feb 8/9), otherwise it's a day trip or tenting out, brrr.
Altadena Mountain Rescue is scheduled for next Saturday and Sunday.

The extra snow should be good along with a couple of days to consolidate and mitigate any avi risk.
I'd like to get a show of virtual hands to see who's really interested this awesome February 2008 for some Baldy Bowl Ski/Snowboard-Mountaineering!
(Skiing optional)

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:42 pm
by hvydrt
I am up for Saturday, but have committed to hiking Santiago peak on Sunday.

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:48 am
by Taco
I hope to be good to go. GOtta get that in for work a week or two in advance.

I think I'll be doing quite a bit more climbing than boarding. 8)

Re: Baldy Attempt 2-1-08

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:51 am
by KathyW
Thanks for the report - nice to hear about all the snow - it's raining like crazy in Redlands, so there should be plenty of new snow in the mountains.

I'm not going to get to go out to play in the snow until President's Day Weekend (Feb 16), but that will be a 3-day weekend - I'll keep my fingers crossed for good weather that weekend so I can enjoy it and maybe even get out for an overnighter in the snow.