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Baldy Today

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:10 pm
by So.BayMark
Shin and I did Baldy today with 12inches of new snow there, had alot of fun.

Thanks Shin..........mark

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:15 pm
by mve
WOW -- looks like you guys had a blast (literally) :shock:

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:42 pm
by snmtbaldy
Before Hamik and Cal-Tech guys destroy the pristine Bowl this weekend, Mark and I put some trail marks of hikers on the Mt. Baldy.
Trail condition:
Gate to Fall: Very icy early in the morning.
Fire road: completely covered with fresh snow.
Register to Ski hut: heavy snow but trail is stable except two section had small scale av. You can walk with boots ,crampon,or microsikes.
Ski hut to summit: Snowshoes is a must. Snow is soft and deep. Better to right hand side trail to straight up east Bowl. Snow is firm under the tree section. The snow is soft from 8600 to 9600. Over 9700 is firm. The ridge to the summit is frozen snow and ice.
The summit to summer trail: The snow was soft. Need snowshoes.
The snow was wet so No Glissading at all.
Ski hut to Manker: The snow was soft.
Mark and I took over Mt. Baldy summit for several minutes. It was so cold and windy. The wind from North pass the summit and turned around blew from South to summit. It was a crazy wind.

Mark is heading up East Bowl

Mark is heading to the summit.

Mark is at the summit. It was cold and windy.

Have a nice weekend.

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:50 pm
by Sam Page
Those photos are awesome. I can almost feel the wind and snow.

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:20 pm
by EManBevHills
You sure captured the moment! Well done.

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:57 pm
by norma r
...and here i thought it was going to be bathing suit weather up there tomorrow! boy, was i wrong! thanks for the report and awesome pix.

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:11 pm
by Taco
Great stuff! Thanks Mark and Shin!

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:47 pm
by norma r
I don't know what everyone was doing today, Saturday... but the Baldy Bowl was the place to be! :D

I do not have a camera yet so i have no pix, but it was the antithesis of the day that Mark and Shin had. A Beautiful Bluebird Day with absolute perfection at the summit. We: me, Zach, Dave G and Lik2Hik climbed the still un-named chute up the center. Zoom Cwm, Norma's Couloir?, doesn't matter, but it was fun! Lots of flying ice missiles that made us yell "rock" more times than i could count but thankfully nothing worse than some cuts & bruises when they made contact.

We ran into lots of friends and familiar faces, including Rick Graham, GigaMike and Hamid. The Cal Tech group had quite the party at the summit. I missed the 4-person push-up!?! :shock: Amy and David a couple i met a few weeks ago at the hut when they were headed for the summit for an overnight were on the summit with their tent and gear having spent Friday night there and looking forward to spending tonight up there again. Zach gave them info about SGMDF.

After a relaxing lunch on the summit we headed down the east bowl and glissaded all the way to the creek (still under snow) just before the hut.

A Saturday of perfection on the Baldy Bowl! :D :D

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:21 pm
by Taco
Thank you for spreading the good word, Zach.

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:59 am
by Zach
Zoom Cwm kicked my ass. When I was halfway up the bowl I watched as a chunk of rock broke free from the cliff above and start its downward plunge... straight for me. I kept still, hoping with every bounce that the rock would get diverted in another direction. At the last second I threw myself to one side but the rock (the size of a small bowling ball) hit me square on the thigh. Luckily my leg was not firmly planted and absorbed a lot of the impact without taking much damage. My thanks to Dave and Amy for the "medicine." Other than that, there wasn't a better day to be at the top.

TacoDelRio wrote:Thank you for spreading the good word, Zach.
I don't get it.

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:47 am
by lilbitmo
Zach wrote:
TacoDelRio wrote:Thank you for spreading the good word, Zach.
I don't get it.
In Norma's report she mentioned that "Zach gave them info about SGMDF".

That's what Taco was talking about. :D

Re: Baldy Today

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:58 pm
by Taco

Hope you're all good, Zach. Don't inherit my title of rock magnet.