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Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:43 pm
by Taco
Did two new routes (new to me at least). More info on that later. Tired.

Went up Big Butch Wash (sounds like a coin laundry for lesbians), climbed partway up Lightning Couloir in order to access a side route. Climbed some easy ice to a long face of snow, into a narrow couloir of yet more snow. Thought the name "Safety Dance" was appropriate, as you weren't getting shot at by the mountain on this route. Also, since there was a short step of waterfall ice at the start, you got to dance.

I've had the idea of an enchainment on my mind, since I didn't feel the same challenge I had when I sucked more at climbing. I went to go check out the couloir to the right of One Nut Wonder ( ... 7-ai3.html). The approach to the real west face of Tele blows ass. It sucked even more with a ton of snow. The postholing wasn't extreme, but moving up 40 degree snow sinking to your knees is a bitch, and it lasted for a longass time.

The route was easy, and I couldn't think of a name then, except One Knee Blunder, because my left knee felt like shit the entire day. I dunno. Anyway, there are a few steps of ice climbing on the route, up to WI2, and most of the route at the moment is soft snow, up to your ankles, nothing too bad. Route goes up a couloir before it jumps onto the southwest ridge of Tele, then to the south summit of Tele.

Hike over to the wide, low angle not-as-west face of Tele, and went down without much pain. Hiked up Thunder from the saddle, straight up the east ridge, in a lot of pain. Hike down south bowl or whatever to Big Butch and my car. Knee felt horrible. Oh well, big deal.

Some pics.

Lightning in the morning

Ice to the right of Lightning was good, under a buncha powder.

Up Lightning

First ice step of Safety Dance.

Looking down while on Safety Dance

The face Safety Dance climbs

Good ol' foot shot

Looking down Lightning after climbing Safety ~~~~.

Slim Jim was a bad idea.

See the specks moving? Party of three, one dude owns an Audi TT and another an A4. You guys on here?

West Face of Tele. Route I took this time starts at those three trees just right of the middle of the picture, and heads up the couloir.

Looking at the crux of One Nut Wonder. Bigass rock yeah blah blah im tired gimme a friggin' break.

This pic was taken way the hell up the route. Finished a short section of WI2 or whatever damned numerical value people want to attach to some damn fun ice off the deck.

Yay weather! Zero precip.

Down, with my arm.

The ridge

Tree on ridge.

Summit of south side

Time for BEER! A happy time.

Funny picture.

Boring, "mature" picture with but a smile.

Cornice with Tele's NWF.

Whiteouts on Baldy are lots of fun.

Lightning at sunset.

Sunset pics

Drove home on Glendora Ridge Road to Glendora Mountain Road. I love these roads. I killed many furry innocent animals and laughed. I also sent a bus full of politically-correct lesbian nuns over the edge with my reckless driving. Went at a cruising pace, and stopped at the saddle with GMR with my front brakes pouring out more smoke than I'd ever seen. Took a break and went slow(er) down GMR. Almost hit a few people in Glendora on the street who decided tonight would be an awesome night to play "invisible pedestrian", and go for walks in the street wearing dark colors.

First time I'd driven these roads in a long time. Sucks being broke. The time will come again.

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:54 pm
by EManBevHills
You rock. Great narrative, and some of your best pics yet.
So that's what you do when you're out of commission??
Catch a fab sunset after doing a new route?
The one nut wonder foto is pretty awesome.

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:57 pm
by AlanK
F'n A! Two FA's in a day!

Way to go, Taco! 8)

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:58 pm
by Taco
By out of commission, you mean my knee? I reckon. Started hurting in August or so on Etiwanda and Cucamonga Peaks. Found out I had to stretch more because my hamstrings are too short/compressed whatnot. Did that, no pain until the Baldy hike on the 29th, then what in the hell?

Gotta ask the doc again.

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:03 pm
by GigaMike
Freakin' awesome! Don't you work? :wink: :lol:

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:04 pm
by mve
Nice shot:


Almost impossible to tell where UP/DOWN is :twisted:

Kick ass climbing man -- very inspiring!

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:16 pm
by Taco
GigaMike wrote:Freakin' awesome! Don't you work? :wink: :lol:
Not yet. :lol: Going to have to pick up prostitution soon.

Thanks Vitaliy!

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:20 pm
by norma r
Great TR Taco! glad you got yer ice fix!

bitchen shots of Baldy! i saw my unnamed chute again, though i could not find the climbers. and beautiful sunset!

RIP Sisters. :cry:

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:28 pm
by lilbitmo
Taco, between you and Giga, you had everything East of the lifts covered today. Nice shots, great report, stop running everyone off the road and I thought you said that you were still "Hooking" when did you stop :D

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:29 pm
by Taco
They had it coming. The nuns, not the climbers.

The dudes are near the dead center of the bowl.

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:38 am
by He219
Nice job, Ryan! Well done.
Let me buy you a real beer now ..

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:46 am
by Taco
Hey now, MGD ain't bad for a domestic brew out of a factory! :lol:

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:02 pm
by Taco

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:52 pm
by 406
nice work dude!

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:12 pm
by Taco
Where have you been, 406? Busy?

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:28 pm
by 406
yep. Skied the Baldy lifts a few times, but no backcountry yet this season. Loving all the snow.

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:52 pm
by Taco
I bet. Gotta go with He219 and I for some BC.

Re: Two FA's in a Day, Thunder Mt and Telegraph Pk

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:18 pm
by 406
TacoDelRio wrote:I bet. Gotta go with He219 and I for some BC.
that would be fun. Let me know when you guys are going again. I normally wait a few days after significant snow fall to hit the backcountry, but am up for it most weekends.