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LOST outside the hut: Shovel Blade

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:48 am
by EManBevHills
If anyone recovered a well used shovel blade, please let me know. TIA

Re: LOST outside the hut: Shovel Blade

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:24 am
by jimqpublic
And when you get back to the Manker Flats parking area if you find one black liner glove and one grey Windbloc fleece glove, let me know. (About 100' below Falls Road junction, left side of the downhill direction of Baldy Road)

Otherwise I have a nice pair of liner and outer gloves for a one-armed man. Goes nicely with the gloves I left in a parking lot last month. Good way to winnow down your excess gear- just lose it!