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Holy Jim Trail & Santiago Peak

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:09 pm
by Mike P
Does anyone on this forum know the conditions of the road to the trailhead? And for that matter, the condition of the Holy Jim Trail? Thinking about doing it next week...

Re: Holy Jim Trail & Santiago Peak

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:59 pm
by Zach
The road in gets pretty nasty with the rains. I haven't been there since the heavy rainfall but usually if you can make it past the first stream crossing you should be fine... the road is pretty rough in some spots but I've made it back there in my Corolla without much problem (unless its still really muddy). The trail itself shouldn't be too bad, might be a bit wet for the first half mile (until the waterfall) and then its smooth sailing.

Re: Holy Jim Trail & Santiago Peak

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:00 pm
by He219
Not a current update, but Trabuco creek is usually very rutted.
I'd imagine worse now after those rains we had.
It's about a 2.5 mile off-road drive to the trailhead.

Winter seems to be the best time to climb Santiago Peak because of the southern exposure (hot & dry).
Once on the great divide you follow the road up to the summit.

Bring your tinfoil hat, there is enough microwave radiation on the summit to last you for a while .. but you'll love the views.

Re: Holy Jim Trail & Santiago Peak

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:41 pm
by RichardK
We hiked Bald Peak today via the Silverado Trail. There was one short section that had washed out, but it had been repaired by the mountain bikers. Otherwise, you would not know it had rained except for the odd muddy spot. I would think that the Holy Jim Trail also endured the heavy rains that well. The gates were closed to vehicles, but Main Divide looked the same as ever.