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MT HOOD - May 25, 2010

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:37 pm
by gregp909
I will be solo climbing Mt Hood on May 25, 2010 -- so I'm just putting it out there, if anyone has this mountain on their list of "to-do's" and has wanted a partner you're welcome to come up and climb with me. No worries.

I will be in WA climbing Mt Rainier from May 21-24, and after that climb I will be driving to Mt Hood to check this one off my list too -- I figured I'm up there already so why not. :wink:

My route plan is simple. . .climb the south side Timberline/Hogsback/Mazama Chute route. I know this route might seem boring (yes that is a ski lift you can see in the middle of the mountain) but I only have one day so it has to be simple. That means climbing by 2:00am, hitting the summit just after sunrise, back down quick but safe so I can make it to the airport for an 8:30pm flight back to Ontario.




Re: MT HOOD - May 25, 2010

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:08 pm
by gregp909
I forgot to add one more pic, here is the summit ridge after topping out above Mazama or Pearly Gates. . .the true summit (11,249 ft) is where all the climbers are gathered in the distance.


Look up "Mt Hood Summit Ridge" on You Tube for some crazy helmet cam video that puts Devil's Backbone to shame. :shock:

Re: MT HOOD - May 25, 2010

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:16 pm
by EnFuego
Rainer then Hood. Nice week planned.

Re: MT HOOD - May 25, 2010

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:20 pm
by He219
weather permitting; a window of opportunity is out of personal control ..

Be safe.

Re: MT HOOD - May 25, 2010

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:17 am
by Tim
Greg and anyone else, can Hood via the south side be climbed unroped? It seems like the Hogsback is the only crevasse danger there. Can you just avoid it by going really wide around it?

I'd like to climb Hood but I'd prefer to go lighter without ropes and all the crevasse rescue gear if it can be done as a simple snow climb. What do y'all think?

Re: MT HOOD - May 25, 2010

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:36 am
by gregp909
Yes, the south side can be climbed unroped on the route I am intending. Further west past Illumination Saddle you hit the Reid Glacier and that can require roped travel. The one crevasse noted in my photo is the only one on this route and it is routinely passed by going wide around it.

There is alot of traffic on this route during the climbing season and most travel is unroped.

And as He219 commented, any climb is always weather permitting. So my one day schedule is a bit of a gamble but I will be there anyway so if the weather is good I will be climbing -- light and fast, well reasonably fast. :D


Re: MT HOOD - May 25, 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:20 pm
by tinaballina
Well, hot damn. i wish i would have known this before i booked my trip for hood may 13-16. i would have loved to had done two mountains in one week. have fun.

Re: MT HOOD - May 25, 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:51 pm
by gregp909
You'll have to post a TR here after your Mt Hood climb. I'd be really interested in hearing about it and seeing pictures. Good luck and be safe.