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Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:44 pm
by Dave G
Zach and I set out early Saturday to traverse the San Antonio ridge from Iron Mtn to Baldy. I woke up that morning with a low-grade fever and soon after picking up Zach at Manker Flats the nausea set in (nothing personal, Zach :P ). Between stopping to hurl every so often and a very low energy level, I was lagging big-time, taking almost six hours to top out on Iron :( .

After hanging out on Iron for a while with Ze, Steve and Fernando, we started heading down the ridge for Baldy. The ridge was great fun, though easier that either of us had expected—just some mild class 3 in a few spots. Any snow was on the north side of the ridge and mostly avoidable. We had gotten just past Gun Sight Notch—where all the technical difficulties end—and it was nearly 2p. The ~2400 ft slope up to West Baldy was all snow and we figured with my current sickly pace we’d be doing part of it (a route neither of us had done) in darkness. His recent unplanned (read that, cold) bivy still fresh in his mind, Zach became the voice of reason and suggested we consider heading back the way we came. As much as I didn’t want to climb the 1K ft back up to Iron and then descend the long trail all the way back to the East Fork, I couldn’t argue with his logic. So after spending an hour reconnoitering a possible descent route via Coldwater Canyon (whole other TR :wink: ), and me throwing up a couple more times, we reversed course, arriving back at Heaton Flats by 7:30p.

In spite of being denied our goal, it was another stellar day in the mountains with great company :D . Pix are here: ... 184534740/

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:52 pm
by lilbitmo
Great Pictures Dave, sorry you were sick, hope you get over whatever it is quickly, nothing sucks worse than being sick when the weather is perfect for hiking.

Looks like the conditions are perfect for completing the traverse without to much difficulty if one get's up Iron in a timely manner and or goes from Baldy down SA ridge.

How difficult was it to climb back up to Iron from Gunshot Notch?

Thanks for the trip report.

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:53 pm
by Taco
What didja get sick with? That sucks.

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:52 am
by michaelmagno
Dave gets my vote for the Big Cajone Award, pulling a Michael Jordan and playing through the flu...whoa. On the flip side though Dave, you might want to look into a Hikers Anonymous chapter near you. :wink:

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:56 am
by Ze Hiker
nice attempt. at least you got through gunsight notch which is the fun stuff they say.

did you think about / attempt to descend coldwater canyon?

you guys need to check out this ridge

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:57 am
by Dave G
Ryan-I guess it's the stomach flu. Still got it today. Don't feel that bad until I start moving--best not work too hard today :wink: .

Patrick-The climbing is very mellow. You just have to be careful what you pull on, SOP for the San Gabriels. When I'm healthy again I'll do a Baldy-Iron yo-yo with you. It was more fun going west and climbing the notches rather than descending them.

Ze- We did think about the Coldwater descent. We were heading for the Gold Dollar Mine and kept running into annoying little cliffs like below. All we had was an 80' piece of cord between us, so after a while we gave up and climbed back up to SA Ridge. When I got home and looked at our GPS track, I saw where we messed up. I'd like to go back and try that. The map shows a trail and a fire road down lower.


The Yucaipa Ridge thingie looks awesome--gotta do that sometime! 8)

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:21 am
by norma r
Nice pix and TR and... Wow, great job considering how lousy you felt! sorry about the flu. looks like some Puerto Rican penicillin is in order :wink:

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:41 am
by EnFuego
Nice work considering the stomach bug.

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:42 am
by EnFuego
Dave G wrote: Image
Where is this picture taken?

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:26 am
by Taco
Rapping down on cord eh? Cool beans.

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:29 am
by Dave G
EnFuego wrote:
Dave G wrote: Image
Where is this picture taken?
David-that was SE of Gun Sight Notch, maybe 150' below.
Rapping down on cord eh? Cool beans.
Wasn't that bad. Zach was using it more like a handline; I did an old school nut-smashing Dulfersitz. :x

Re: Iron-Baldy Traverse Attempt

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:23 pm
by AW~
SA ridge pics always appreciated 8)