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Manzanita Ridge: 12-05-2009

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:13 pm
by HikeUp
Hiked up the Mt. Wilson Trail to Manzanita Ridge this morning. It's been several years since I had been on this trail above Orchard Camp and was pleasantly surprised at how well groomed the trail is compared to the rutted and overgrown trail I remember from before.

I was able to get back to the trail head in time to take a whirlwind tour of Lizzie's Trail Inn museum (open 10 to 12am Saturday mornings). Every time I've been by the place it has been closed so this was a nice way to wind down after a great day of hiking.


Lizzie's Trail Inn open for business...

I picked up some new snowshoes, rope and 1 crampon (you only need 1, right?)...

High clouds over a marine layer made for interesting lighting that a point-n-shoot is not good at capturing...

Re: Manzanita Ridge: 12-05-2009

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:15 pm
by norma r
HikeUp wrote: ...and 1 crampon (you only need 1, right?)...
no worries! i'll look for the one broken crampon that i found years ago on Telescope Peak and lend it to you so you can have a whole set! :wink:

nice photos. loved the leaves! :D

Re: Manzanita Ridge: 12-05-2009

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:43 pm
by blueshammer
Yeah, got chilly today.

Here's a view of Jones Peak somewhere out there (facing south):

Looking down from Hastings Peak:

From Mt. Wilson:

Re: Manzanita Ridge: 12-05-2009

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:45 pm
by HikeUp
norma: Thanks! That extra crampon and a claw hammer for an ice axe will be all I need to join the Ice Pirates!

blueshammer: Nice pictures ! It was a great day to hike, even if it did get a bit chilly.