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Never know who you'll meet on the trail

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:14 pm
by Elwood
I ran into these fine gentlemen on B-P this morning. I hope they don't mind my posting these.



Re: Never know who you'll meet on the trail

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:36 pm
by lilbitmo
Since Elwood started the TR I'll just post mine here as well.

Took a Newbie up Baden Powell today - someone I used to work with that's been asking to be taken on a decent hike that will not kill him plus he's been rehabing a bad back for two years and was finally ready to get out in the wilderness and give it a shot. Two other hikers bailed and then Zach text me sometime in the night (will not tell you what time it was, let's just say only friends should text each other at those hours :D ).

The three of us started from the trail head around 7 AM and right below the summit we were pleasantly surprised to see "Elwood" coming off the summit (just below the "Wally Waldon Tree"). Elwood it was good to finally put the the "Smiling face" with all the Trip Reports, somehow I knew that if I ever ran into you, it would be on the PCT - which is one of my favorites as well. Had a great time other than it was real windy on the summit and the ridgeline just below it - Point and shoot's don't like hazy cloudy days so I'll post the better pictures later today when I've had a chance to process them with some decent software.

Zach and Elwood
Lilbitmo and Elwood

Re: Never know who you'll meet on the trail

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:08 pm
by EManBevHills
Zach, glad to see ya got hooked up.
Looks like some icy patches????

Re: Never know who you'll meet on the trail

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:48 pm
by simonov
Wow, I would have expected there to have been a lot more snow. Looks like not much more than there was on the 15th when I was there.