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spot 2 possible deffect

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:32 am
by canoeman
I recently ordered a spot 2 messenger, to replace my old spot. and when it arrived, I installed the batteries and it was DOA.
I opened the back case cover, to remove batteries to send the unit back, when I noticed that the springs for the battery contact on the positive side of the batteries were not making contact with the batteries.
the Unit uses three AAA lithium batteries and when comparing the lithium batteries I noticed that the nub on the positive ends of lithium batteries are shorter then on alkaline batteries.
After close examination, I used a micro screwdriver to slightly stretch out the springs to make contact with the positive nubs.
I'm sending this note, because I noticed this same problem on another backpacking blog, when I searched for others with the same issue

hope this isn't a recurring issue with this unit.

please save droning responses about spot use, and yuppie 911 etc.
this post is to help others who may have been planning a trip, and wouldn't have time to return unit, before trip.
the unit is about half the size of original, and has enhanced GPS, and added message feature.

Re: spot 2 possible deffect

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:22 pm
by gregp909
I just learned from REI that the Spot 2 units were recalled for battery issues.

Re: spot 2 possible deffect

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:23 pm
by canoeman
yup you are correct.
the spot 2 messengers have been recalled because of battery problems.
they are issuing return info.
go to and follow voluntary return procedures to get spot replaced. do not use it.