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San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:25 pm
by GigaMike
What do you do when a winter storm is coming to socal? You go climb a mountain of course! (as long as you feel comfortable in such conditions).

My buddy Arthur and I climbed San Gorgonio via the Southfork trail on Saturday. We both are very familiar with this mountain and felt we could navigate our way even in the harshest of weather, if needed. Although we were warned that the weather could get ugly, it really never materialized and we only had light wind and snow all day. We left the trailhead just after 6am, hiked up to Mineshaft Saddle and ascended the North ridge (?) and made the summit around 12:30. The temperature on the summit was around 15 degrees and -7 with wind chill. We descended one of the North chutes back down to the trail above Dry Lake and hiked back out. We were both hoping for worse weather, but it was still a great day in the mountains.


Pictures here

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:05 pm
by norma r
Yeah Mike & Arthur! a winter ascent of San G. i high-five you for braving that wind chill! Brrr... Looks like a decent amount of snow fell. i would love to see it continue.

Mike, how hard was the wind blowing yesterday? any idea of the speed?

I climbed Falling Rock Canyon today and it was darn windy up at saddle. hope to post pix later tonight or tomorrow.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:22 pm
by moppychris
Looks like an awesome day. It seems like this was a walk in the park for you guys.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:54 pm
by hvydrt
Great pictures Mike. Hopefully we get a good storm soon that will dump enough to stick for more than a few days. I was on baldy early this morning and most of the snow has been blown off by the wind already. ... MtBaldy06#

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:18 pm
by lilbitmo

Nice hike Mike, looks like you were the only ones out there yesterday.

Pictures are great, couple questions

1) When you say the north ridge is the way you went up, is that the ridge just east of the big bowl below Jepson?

2)Can you identify where you saw these items below?
And this one? Don't remember ever seeing these anchors sticking up on that mountain anywhere? Like a structure was going to be built?
Lastly, how far down the mountain (driving wise) did the snow extend?

Thanks Mike :D

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:26 pm
by GigaMike
Norma- I actually never looked at the wind speed on Arthur's Kestrel device, but it wasn't a lot, maybe 30mph max. I bet today was much worse.

moppychris- Since there was only a few inches of snow, it was a fairly easy day. Arthur might disagree though (he doesn't dayhike much).

hvydrt- Great pictures! I was wondering what the snow was like on Baldy.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:43 pm
by GigaMike
Hi Patrick,

We went up the ridge from Mine Shaft saddle. I'm not sure if that would be the North ridge or not...

We saw the wire on top of bump "11490" on the topo map and the cement anchor blocks were a little ways below on the SE side. I can't remember ever seeing them before.

It was dark when we drove out, but I could still see snow around 5,000 feet.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:53 pm
by snmtbaldy
Hi Mike and Arthur,
Congratulations to both of you.
Mike, you amaze me all the time by setting up a new challenge and reach the goal almost without any efforts. Both of you have a nerve of steel.
I want to hike with you guys someday.

Hi hvydrt,
What time did you start? The "The city lights " picture is the best of Mt Baldy ever. I like it very much.
I couldn't make it this week but next week I'll be up there.


Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:58 pm
by Tim
Nice work Mike!

Thanks for pics of Baldy hvydrt.

I think I've seen those anchors on San G before, but my mind could be playing tricks on me. Like Mike said, I remember them being near that 11490 bump. Although I don't remember them being in a neat row like that. Most people don't run into them if they're coming from Vivian or Mine Shaft Saddle since the trail is below it a ways. I've only seen them when climbing San G's north slope in the winter because after you top out you go over that bump to get to the summit.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:49 am
by Taco
Way too much fun! Really lucky of you guys to get a clearing up top for such awesome views!

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:21 am
by hvydrt
Shin, I started at 5:30. I believe I met you a few years back. You were right behind me on the way up, then we had a nice chat on our hike back down.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:28 am
by EnFuego
Nice job. I love those types of conditions.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:26 am
by michaelmagno
Wondering, did you wear crampons? Or were just boots sufficient? Looking into doing more hiking this winter and wondering what I can get away with. I see you had poles, but did you also pack an ice axe. Love the conditions though. Looks like a perfect late fall outing.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:59 am
by Taco
No crampons yet, until there's enough snow, and it consolidates.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:01 am
by Dave G
Nice work, GM! Snow is good; more please :D!

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:09 am
by GigaMike
Thanks everyone.

Taco- I'm surprised I don't see a TR from you. I know you like these crazy weather days also. :o

michaelmagno- Just as TacoDelRio said. We didn't bring crampons or ice axe since it was fresh, unconsolidated snow on top of dirt.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:24 am
by Taco
GigaMike wrote:Thanks everyone.

Taco- I'm surprised I don't see a TR from you. I know you like these crazy weather days also. :o

michaelmagno- Just as TacoDelRio said. We didn't bring crampons or ice axe since it was fresh, unconsolidated snow on top of dirt.
Well, I did go to Baldy Lodge yesterday. 8) I'm waiting until after the first big storm to go stitch up some stuff. Got some big lines planned.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:12 am
by GigaMike
TacoDelRio wrote:I'm waiting until after the first big storm to go stitch up some stuff. Got some big lines planned.
Let me know if you need a partner. I would love to join you on some of your crazy climbing trips (minus the rockfall :wink: ).

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:18 am
by Taco
GigaMike wrote:
TacoDelRio wrote:I'm waiting until after the first big storm to go stitch up some stuff. Got some big lines planned.
Let me know if you need a partner. I would love to join you on some of your crazy climbing trips (minus the rockfall :wink: ).
Can't guarantee the lack of rockfall. ;-)

Got a facebook account? Easy to exchange info there. There's one early-season climb you might like.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:39 pm
by lilbitmo
GigaMike wrote:Hi Patrick,

We went up the ridge from Mine Shaft saddle. I'm not sure if that would be the North ridge or not...

We saw the wire on top of bump "11490" on the topo map and the cement anchor blocks were a little ways below on the SE side. I can't remember ever seeing them before.

It was dark when we drove out, but I could still see snow around 5,000 feet.
Thanks Mike, If I had to guess maybe they were getting ready at one point to put in weather gear? Next time I'm up in weather permitting, I will scrable over there and take a closer look.


Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:49 pm
by simonov
There used to be a large stone monument at the summit of Mt San Gorgonio. There's a photo of it in John Robinson's A Wilderness Preserved. I don't know where it was, but there are obviously remains from it in the summit rockpile, as you can find many boulders and rocks with mortar on them.

Those anchors look like they could have been part of the foundation for that monument.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:28 pm
by arocknoid
Nice hike, GigaMike, and fine pics.

Those concrete pedestals have been there for many years; the earliest pics I have of them that are findable are from 2001 (digital), but I had some on film stock from many years ago.

As simonov mentions, they likely are remnants of the old monument.

Thanks for taking the time to post, Mike.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:43 pm
by Zach
Weren't they trying to put a ski lift in a long, long time ago? I've seen that wire stuff more than once on the northern slopes of San G as well.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:31 am
by simonov
Zach wrote:Weren't they trying to put a ski lift in a long, long time ago? I've seen that wire stuff more than once on the northern slopes of San G as well.
The ski lift wars raged for 20 years, but it was all in committee rooms, op-ed pages and public auditoriums. No one ever came close to actually building a ski resort on San Gorgonio.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:45 pm
by Rick Kent
Thanks for checking out that N/NE ridge Mike! I'll have to get your description of it but it didn't look too bad from the photos. Why did you descend the north slope though? Seems like that would kinda suck without complete snow coverage.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:23 pm
by Sam Page
Rick Kent wrote:Why did you descend the north slope though? Seems like that would kinda suck without complete snow coverage.
I descended one of the north slope gullies this past August and it was superb scree skiing.

Re: San Gorgonio - 11.28.09

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:15 pm
by GigaMike
Taco- I don't have a Facebook account, yet, but you know my email. Send me some info when you can and I'll work on the Facebook thing.

simonov & arocknoid- Great info, thanks!

Rick- The N/NE ridge was pretty good, even with a few inches of fresh powder on the scree. There is actually a use trail up there, so it must get used fairly often. And yes, the North slope did suck. I'm not sure why we chose that route :lol: .