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Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:51 pm
by lik2hik
NewcombPass and Mt. Wilson 1/11/2009

Did a nice hike to Newcomb pass and Mt. Wilson from Chantry flats on Sunday.
Norma R joined me for my first hike out to Newcomb Pass ā€“ something Iā€™d thought about doing for years.
We took the Sturdevant trail all the way to Sturdevant Camp and then the trail up to the pass from there. From the pass, we headed east along the ridge to try and get better views of the Burn area ā€“ to no avail. We took the rim trail up to Mt. Wilson where we got a chance to wander around the observatory and museum grounds. It is like a ghost town up there. I assume the roads must still be closed to visitors.

The views toward the north from the rim trail and the burn areas that the rim trail passes through, really give you an idea of just how devastating the Station Fire was. Going up the Rim Trail, you parallel a major firebreak that was constructed on the ridge during the fire.

After a short lunch break at the pavillion, we headed back down to Chantry Flats via the Winter Creek trail.

All in all, a great day hiking. This route really avoids direct sun and the heat for most all of the hike. The climb from Sturdevant up to the pass was the only really consistently warm stretch.

The hike was about 16 miles with ~ 5500ā€™ elev. Gain.

Link to pictures.

Re: Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:23 am
by edenooch

Re: Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:35 am
by HikeUp
Ran into a ranger/volunteer ranger in Bailey Cyn. a couple weeks ago and he said the Rim Trail was in really bad shape (even worse than it was before the fire) and he recommended staying off of it. Nothing like timely information, right?! :D

Anyway, thanks for posting the pics!

Re: Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:15 am
by norma r
a very interesting hike indeed...

we started out in the lush canyon forests of Big Santa Anita Canyon and topped out at a fire break on Newcomb Pass. we then headed east on the Rim Trail and walk though charcoal remains of miles of forest devastated by the Station Fire. we did see a garder snake, several gray tree squirrels, deer prints and bear scat, so life continues among the ruins. Mt. Wilson was a ghost town and there were few hikers on the trails so close to urban development. i'm sure the recent fire has something to do with the low number of hikers present.

all in all a great day, though somber at times. :(

my pix are here: ... untWilson#

Re: Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:21 am
by norma r
hmm?... don't know why, but i cannot post a hyperlink to my WebAlbum. it's listed as public, so i don't know what the matter is? any help would be appreciated.


Re: Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:33 am
by AlanK
norma r wrote:hmm?... don't know why, but i cannot post a hyperlink to my WebAlbum. it's listed as public, so i don't know what the matter is? any help would be appreciated.
The URL button in the "Post a Reply" screen is working.

" ... irectlink " gives ... directlink if you eliminate the blanks after "" and before ""

Re: Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:54 am
by norma r
thanx Alan! that did it.

Re: Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:06 pm
by moppychris
What a small world.
My ma and I where in that same area all day. We went to the pass and then down to first water. Nice little 12mile loop. The weather was perfect and the foliage was turning making the entire evening magical. The burn area was a downer, but is is nice the fire didn't come close to the cabins.
Also found a newt in the waters. There are some boulders just off the trail that are climbable, wish I brought the rock climbing shoes.

Re: Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:01 pm
by HikeUp
Nice pictures Norma. The burned areas near the buildings on Mt. Wilson were most likely controlled back burns set by the fire crews as preventative measures.

Re: Newcomb Pass and Mt. Wilson

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:53 pm
by EManBevHills
You got some starkly fascinating shots, Norma!