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new trail name

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:22 pm
by Ze Hiker
i am too lazy to write up a TR, but headed up register ridge with Eric (edenooch) on Saturday. nice temps at first, but Eric was complaining it wasn't windy enough. then the winds really came. freakign 40-50 mph, sometimes I lost balance. plus I had just starting getting sick and was not enjoying the really cold winds. i dunno why in the world Eric would want that.

anyways, we headed back to Notch via DBB. from there we decided to the use trail that heads straight down right under the ski lifts.

never one to not perplex, Eric says about this trail "who designed this trail, Terry Schiavo?"

wtf? :?: :o

Re: new trail name

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:28 pm
by Taco
Eric is strange.

Re: new trail name

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:37 pm
by asbufra
Ze and Eric passed me about halfway up Register Ridge. Nice to meet you. Ze... good luck with next week

It is hard to show the wind with a picture. Here is a video taken right before Ze came by. I don't keep times, but I think it was my fastest time ever to Baldy summit, If you turn your back just right; towards the wind, you can tack up hill and gain speed.

Re: new trail name

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:22 am
by EnFuego
hehe. Cool vid asbufra.

Re: new trail name

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:22 am
by edenooch
[sigh] Ze!?!?!? that was an inside joke. u misunderstood!

dont rename the trail. rename the ridge
