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Station Fire vegetation recovery in Big T (legal access)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:43 am
by cougarmagic
Many of my TRs are hiking trips with my friend Jane. You may also remember that her cabin in Big T somehow survived the fire. Yesterday she had some friends over to help prepare for the coming rain. While there, I got to see how the plants are already coming back. Anything close to water is re-sprouting. The plants up on the slopes didn't appear to be doing anything yet, but I imagine it will only take a small amount of rain for them to follow suit.

Also along the river are tracks of coyote, fox, rabbit, squirrel, and birds. I guess the foxes must have underground burrows, otherwise I can't imagine how they would survive.

New Oak leaves:


Canyon Kelp:


Pine cone (not recovering, but an interesting image)


Mmmmmmmm itchy....


Sycamore tree sprouting from the base:


Re: Station Fire vegetation recovery in Big T (legal access)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:59 am
by RichardK
Chino Hills State Park, which burned in its entirety last year, has recovered nicely. The grass lands resprouted quickly. The old oaks were spared because, I think, the wind driven fire blew by them so fast. There were some 6 foot deep gullies cut by the rains before the vegetation regrew. These were on gentle slopes. It may be worse in the steeper San Gabriels.

Re: Station Fire vegetation recovery in Big T (legal access)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:49 pm
by HikeUp
Good news. Wishing the best for your friend's place in the upcoming months.

I saw signs of life on my hike this weekend up to Inspiration Point too. At least 12,345,004 birds, even more squirrels (damn rodents!), tons of scat and quite a few deer. Let's hope all the creatures big and small found refuge during the inferno.

Re: Station Fire vegetation recovery in Big T (legal access)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:43 pm
by Ze Hiker
don't hate on squirrels!
