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Cucamonga and Etiwanda yeah

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:12 pm
by Taco
I wanted to hike Cucamonga-Etiwanda-Cucamonga-Bighorn-Sugarloaf, but Allah blessed me with less-than-stellar knees today, despite proclaiming his name at the top of my lungs upon reaching the summit of Etiwanda.

I never keep track of times, so I did this time, for shits and giggles, whatever the hell that means.

IHC Parking Lot 0830
IH Saddle 0942
Cucamonga 1043, left at 1100
Etiwanda 1128, left at 1134
Cucamonga 1204, left at 1211
IH Saddle 1317 with one functioning knee
Parking lot 1423

Trying to get back in shape for winter. it's more difficult this year. My knees suck bigtime, etc etc.

Some pics with the words in the typing

Quiet at Wanker Flat/s

That's probably why.

Sheep Canyon looking mighty fine today, though I do imagine it would look much the same on any other day.

The good old flipoff tree.

C17 Globemaster 3

Cucamunger summit. Awesome visibility!!!

Doing a photoshoot for my buddy's knife bizzzzzniss.

Time to ride the sand all the way down. Stupid Glamis has nothing on Cucamonga Peak. That's like, 60 degree sand, dawg, bro. Sweet!

Egypt this way

Old burninated damage

Cucamonga from afar

Scared this family of rams when I reached the summit of Etiwanda and proclaimed my love for Allah.

I had this much to drink up until this point.

That's the start of the short trail up to Etiwanda. There's a cairn, and the tree conveniently bends in the direction of the trail up.

ID this shit. GO COUGARMAGIC! :D


Ooooooold .270 Winchester round. Probably hunted deer with it. .270 doesn't strike me as a sheep round. Then again, I don't have any field experience with 'em.

Another possible Q for Cougarmagic... did a bear do this?!

And Icehouse Canyon looking nice

So, something happened to my right knee. Can't lift my foot off the ground 12 inches or higher AND use it for personal transportation at the same time, otherwise there's a searing and debilitating pain in the knee. Getting it looked at soon. Not the kneecap, I don't think. I think it's in the joint.

FWIW, I have been taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin for a long time now. It has helped a tiny bit.

Re: Cucamonga and Etiwanda yeah

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:30 pm
by hvydrt
TacoDelRio wrote:Another possible Q for Cougarmagic... did a bear do this?!
I have seen the sheep digging small holes like that.

Re: Cucamonga and Etiwanda yeah

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:33 pm
by AW~
good to see the forest open...nice trip...!

Re: Cucamonga and Etiwanda yeah

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:41 pm
by mattmaxon
TacoDelRio wrote:ID this shit. GO COUGARMAGIC! :D
Ow Ow OW

That had to hurt

BTW I though I saw you from Mt Baldy over that way today...Yep I was right!


Re: Cucamonga and Etiwanda yeah

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:55 pm
by cougarmagic
mattmaxon wrote:
TacoDelRio wrote:ID this shit. GO COUGARMAGIC! :D
Ow Ow OW

That had to hurt
Seriously dude, what have you been eating?? :shock: :lol:

Re: Cucamonga and Etiwanda yeah

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:44 pm
by outwhere
Cool TR [Taco Report?]...

Taco, would you mind telling this city-slicker what trail that is? Great shot...


Re: Cucamonga and Etiwanda yeah

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:05 pm
by Elwood
Very nice pictures and report Mr. Del Rio! Isn't that trail 1N34?

Re: Cucamonga and Etiwanda yeah

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:01 am
by Taco
Hvydrt, searching for roots, I guess eh?

Matt, you saw me?

Yep, that's 1n34, Cucamonga Truck Trail, Day Canyon Road, something like that.