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Verdugo Routes

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:43 pm
by Ze Hiker
Thinking about heading up the Verdugos Saturday. I've done the Beaudry Loop, as well as my favorite - Brand Park ridge - but I'd like to add in a few other routes - preferably ridge routes. I've noticed some potential ones on google earth but don't know if any of these are popular. any suggestions?

Re: Verdugo Routes

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:46 pm
by AlanK
Here is one I invented. It was popular enouth with me to do once. I have mixed in the pieces of it with oter loops many times.

Re: Verdugo Routes

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:03 am
by mattmaxon
I have a map I made similar to the one available at the Stough Cyn Nature Center

Several routes come to mind, I use
  • Whiting Woods Loop

  • Hostetter / La Tuna Loop

  • Brand / Las Flores loop
Having recently joined the ranks of unemployed, I'll have to be sticking closer to home

Numerous oneway trips come to mind

Whiting woods to Brand Park from WW / Henderson Cyn East firebreak to Brand Cyn west ridge and out to the park


Another epic bushwhack is in the offing too

The ridge dividing the the North and south forks of Henderson cyn will be done this year, 10+ years ago I worked on cutting a path down to about 2000ft level

The east ridge of Wildwood Cyn has called to me too, and I want to go back and look for more of the DC-3 from Januaray 1945 crash

A Beaudry / Deer Creek loop is on my list

Wildwood road is one I've put off for years too

I have a trans-verdugo Mtn Bike ride on 10/10? or is it 10/24 I forget. But Las Flores Mtrwy to Edmore Pl

And anything else I can dream up!
Click to download file

Re: Verdugo Routes

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:23 am
by edenooch
The firebreak that follows the electrical towers just north of beaudry

Re: Verdugo Routes

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:23 am
by Ze Hiker
awesome, thanks!

what do the blue/red diamond marks indicate?

i'm liking that "West Ridge" option. do you know how brushy that is? I'd like to not bushwack.

Re: Verdugo Routes

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:32 am
by mattmaxon
wrote:awesome, thanks!

what do the blue/red diamond marks indicate?

i'm liking that "West Ridge" option. do you know how brushy that is? I'd like to not bushwack.
The blue/red diamonds are waypoints

I haven't been there recently but, the area burned in 2006? Low Brush / Ticks would be the worst of it

There are a few very steep / loose places but it's not bad (dangerous)

Re: Verdugo Routes

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:00 pm
by HikeUp
Scanned images of the maps available at the Stough Cyn Nature Center.

Color map...

B&W map...

Re: Verdugo Routes

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:22 pm
by Hikin_Jim
This map has some good stuff: ... ochure.pdf

If you prefer pdf, here's a pdf of the map that HikeUp posted: ... erdugo.pdf

The first link above shows the ridge trail that goes from La Tuna Canyon Road to Fire Warden's Grove. This to me is a nice albeit short training hike since it ascends far more quickly than the La Tuna Canyon Trail.