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Boney Mt peaks 9-19

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:41 pm
by edenooch
Wanted to avoid the simpleness that is mishe mokwa and make this one fun!
I started from Satiwa. Which is that old indian mesuem of some sort...Headed up the danielson fire road to its junction with the fossil trail.
The fossil trail then climbs about 2000feet to the begining of the western ridge. The trail is nicely maintained the whole way... This ridge is the funnest part. Going up a rock path to bouldering to rock hopping!
Once atop the ridge your at the tri peaks area. I mistakenly took the cabin trail down and then decided to bust a Ze and XCBW straight towards the mishemokwa.... This was no fun =(
100 yards of skree gravel and 6ft tall trees!!! Once across the fields and rolling hills it was onto sandstone. Wich one way to the peak is about 7.5 miles. At this point i iwsh i would have taken mishe mokwe.
Descending from sandstone you take the chamberlin/ blue canyon trail down the Big sycamore cyn fire road and its about 5 miles back to the trail head!
Very scenic...but a little hot!! :twisted:

18mi - 4400 ft gain


No that aint my powerade bottle



Approaching the ridge

Looking South

Looking to my North

Looking east





FINALLY got up the ridge




Re: Boney Mt peaks 9-19

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:56 pm
by Taco
Loogit all them crags. :-)

Re: Boney Mt peaks 9-19

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:52 pm
by cougarmagic
Those are some amazing photos. What camera are you using?

Re: Boney Mt peaks 9-19

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:19 pm
by Hikin_Jim
The vegetation in your photos appears not to be charcoal black. I am a San Gabriel Mtns hiker. Please explain the alien concept of non-charcoal vegetation.

Re: Boney Mt peaks 9-19

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:39 pm
by norma r
glad you enjoyed the western ridge climb of the trail. that's my favorite hike in "my backyard."