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Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:14 pm
by Bill
The parking lot was packed, and I was a little worried that the trail would look like rush hour on the 405, but as we hiked it was clear that every one else was heading up the Kearsarge Pass trail. As a matter of fact we had the trail to ourselves the entire day! 8)
The trail splits not far from the parking area and we took the trail marked "Golden Trout Lakes". The trail is over grown in spots but is easy enough to follow with some strategically placed cairns here and there. The route gains elevation fairly quickly and after a couple of hours,we arrived at the upper unnamed lake. From here we could see our target above us. The route up to the peak is not obvious so It was good to have one of our party familiar with it. It looked a little intimidating, but I was assured by my buddies that the toughest part was mostly class 3 scramble.
We spent a little time soaking up the scenery, and I wished I had thought to bring my fishing rod as the trout were clearly visible from the clear blue waters below. :D Some looked decent size! 8)
After a quick bite we headed around the left side of the lake, using as our target a large quartz vain that leads to a small draw up to our approach. The way up to that point required some serious boulder hopping (about 45 minutes worth) Not my favorite thing. :?
At this point we made our way up and around the North side of the ridge to a point which was right to the edge of my comfort zone, :shock: but was easier that it appeared with hand and foot holds perfectly located, and before we knew it we were up on top. 8)
Once on top we were treated to some spectacular views of the surrounding peaks and lakes, although it was quite hazy due to all the smoke from the Station fire in La Canada. We spent some time absorbing the view and signed the register. (the last entry was 8/16/09) This is apparently not a very popular peak, but I certainly enjoyed it. 8) ... 2189207162

Re: Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:00 pm
by edenooch

Re: Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:02 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Good stuff!

Re: Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:12 pm
by Mike P
My wife and I did the Golden Trouts Lakes hike last year. We loved it! Didn't go up to the peak, though...

Re: Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:46 pm
by norma r
congrats! beautiful hike. Dragon has been on my radar for a couple years. i hope to get up there in early Oct.

Re: Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:55 pm
by KathyW
Congrats on bagging Dragon - it is a nice view from up on top.

Re: Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:40 am
by rockboy
Great trip, and loved the pix.

Always interests me when haze from SoCal can affect conditions all the way up there. Everything is connected.

Re: Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:39 pm
by mattmaxon
I was gonna head up there sometime next year....

Any GPS data?

I like the photos, thanks for sharing


Re: Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:10 pm
by Bill
mattmaxon wrote:I was gonna head up there sometime next year....

Any GPS data?

I like the photos, thanks for sharing

Matt I have a nice Garmin GPS, the Oregon 400t. However my skill in downloading this info leaves much to be desired, I'm afraid. :oops:
I am working on it. Any suggestions would be appreciated, other than turning it on! :lol: :lol:
It ended up being around 4,000 feet of elevation gain. I can tell you that.
Lets just say that the light on my VCR is blinking and my Crosby Stills Nash and Young tape is still jammed in my 8 track! :?
Bother! :(

Re: Dragon Peak 8/29/09

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:48 pm
by AW~

haha, this is cruel :D ...I like it 8)