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Mt. Baldy 2009-08-29

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:27 pm
by RichardK
We hiked Baldy today going up the Ski Hut trail and down the Devils Backbone. A lot of stuff was happening.

For starters, the fire smoke dominated the western skyline.



Hikers relax while the forest burns.


There was a ring around the sun.


The bighorn sheep made an appearance.


And, finally, West Valley SAR was on a training mission. (No pictures)

Re: Mt. Baldy 2009-08-29

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:37 pm
by mattmaxon

What time where those photos taken?


Re: Mt. Baldy 2009-08-29

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:58 pm
by Ze Hiker
how was the air quality?

Re: Mt. Baldy 2009-08-29

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:09 pm
by Funyan005
Good to hear tr air quality wasn't too bad. I plan on making an overnighter out f baldy Tuesday. Hopefully the fire/wind doesn't get any worse or I'll be cancelling

Re: Mt. Baldy 2009-08-29

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:37 pm
by Elwood
I should've thought to wave. I was on Dawson from ~1135 'til 1220 PDT.

Re: Mt. Baldy 2009-08-29

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:09 pm
by RichardK
We reached the summit at 11AM and stayed 45 minutes. The air was fine. No smell of smoke. The only smoke we did smell was at the Ski Hut where someone was cooking pancakes on a wood fire. I settled for a Clif Bar. The sheep were in the saddle between Baldy and Harwood.

Re: Mt. Baldy 2009-08-29

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:25 pm
by AlanK
I did Baldy today too -- up Register Ridge and down the Ski Hut Trail. I hit the summit at 1 PM. It was hard to detect any sign of the Morris Fire, which is 85% contained, even though it was only a few miles to the west. However, the Station fire, further west in the La Canada area, was huge. It had evidently grown from about 5000 acres to about 20000 acres in less than a day.

Despite major fires in the Angeles National Forest and triple digit temperatures in the valleys, today was a great day to hike Mt. Baldy. The air was clear and clean. Temperatures were easily bearable at Manker Flat when I started at 11:30 and they dropped to the low 70s after the first 1000 feet or so. It was also quite windy at that point, which cooed things off even more.

If anyone looks at the non-fire pictures, someone may think I am trying to start a new hiking fashion trend. In truth, I forgot my socks. Boots without socks worked fine, but why? I hope this was a once in a lifetime thing. It was a first for me.


Station Fire

Re: Mt. Baldy 2009-08-29

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:08 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Funyan005 wrote:I plan on making an overnighter out f baldy Tuesday.
Nice. Where are ya headed?

Re: Mt. Baldy 2009-08-29

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:43 pm
by Funyan005
Thinking about just staying on top and enjoying the stars/near full moon since I have 2 days off in a row. Going to run over to Dawson for the first time as well. However the smoke is getting worse as well as the wind is blowing it more towards Baldy. I couldnt even see the 3 typical mountains from my house(cucamonga/ontario/baldy), so it must be bad up top.

Nice shoes Alan, I own the same!