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Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:25 pm
by edenooch
Well i hit baldy today..Again.. But this time i took its north face down to dawson and pine mountains. Started from manker around 730a took register ridge to baldy to dawson to pine and finally back to manker via ski hut! Finished aaround 4. The weather today was awesome. Temps above 8500ft were a constant 60-70 degrees. Was a little warm back at manker but manageable! Very few people in the area. Going back up baldys north face from dawson was not as bad as i thought it would be! Compared to going up W baldy from SAR.
Cant think of any thing else that would have made this hike more perfect...
Well maybe a couple :oP



Dawson & Pine

Looking East going down Baldys North face

Looking West

Warning* If you see these 2 individuals on any trail can you teach them the decency of waiting up for the slower weaker hikers. Thx

rocky path on the way up to dawson

Baden powell & Pine mt seen from Dawson peak

And whatever the hell this furry thing is

On the path to Pine
Soem random rock tower on pine

The San antonio ridge seen from pine

Baldys north face

Mid afternoon back on baldy

Flo rida

The team



*Update* Get your nature fix on!

That damn west baldy clope! where i hit the wal last week
Its clobberin time


Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:44 pm
by cougarmagic
NICE pics. I'm gonna look at those over & over when I'm at work tomorrow.... :cry:

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:22 pm
by Ze Hiker
nice job

just you three? no 'bullitproof'? lol

next sunday gonna do those 3 peaks (and more) from the north if interested!

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:34 pm
by Winston
Nice trip report! Also want to add that we got a glimpse of a bear when we were at the saddle between Baldy and Dawson. I only got a glimpse of its ass, but it was still cool!

Yeah, I'd be up for a hike to Baldy from Wrightwood. I need to scout out that area.

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:28 am
by Taco
That furry thing is one of them elusive "Cow Killer" wingless wasps.

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:57 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Is that Tina on the team?

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:25 pm
by outwhere
Lots of nice pics - but for a lotta reasons, I like this one!


Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:48 pm
by lilbitmo
outwhere wrote:Lots of nice pics - but for a lotta reasons, I like this one!

Because there's no one inbetween you and the mountain? or because there's no snow? or because, because? :D Lotta questions with lotta no answers? :D

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:33 pm
by edenooch
next sunday gonna do those 3 peaks (and more) from the north if interested!
Do saturday!

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:12 am
by tinaballina
Hikin_Jim wrote:Is that Tina on the team?
Hi HJ, it was me, it was a damn good hike. i really love dawson, it is majestic.
i think i have pretty much now covered a big portion of baldy from every direction, except Iron, ze i am waiting.....
E, nice trip report, well done.
Winston, you better find Yogi Sunday with the gang.

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:17 am
by Ze Hiker
edenooch wrote:
next sunday gonna do those 3 peaks (and more) from the north if interested!
Do saturday!
can't, coming back from a conference sat night.

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:09 pm
by Hikin_Jim
tinaballina wrote:
Hikin_Jim wrote:Is that Tina on the team?
Hi HJ, it was me
Well, that would explain why edenooch was having trouble keeping up. :lol:

I still want to do a loop from Blue Ridge Road to Pine and Dawson, then down the Dawson Peak Trail to Little Fish Fork and Upper Fish Fork, then out to Lupine Campground, and then finally XC back up to Blue Ridge. I did it years ago with my dad, but I'd like to revisit it -- and revisit Upper Fish Fork which I didn't visit on my last BP in the area due to lack of time. :(

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:40 pm
by tinaballina
edenooch- was way ahead of us going up hill, he glides quite quickly up it. the only way we were able to catch up was with the down hill.
i think ze is doing some killer route with 8k+gain, the only way i would be able to make that is if the 9 peaks didn't kill me saturday.
on another note, how is your wife holding up? she should be due within the next couple weeks right? you better have your camera and cigars ready, we will want pics of the whole family after she is born.
talk to you soon.

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:26 pm
by Hikin_Jim
tinaballina wrote:how is your wife holding up? she should be due within the next couple weeks right? you better have your camera and cigars ready, we will want pics of the whole family after she is born.
talk to you soon.
Cigars? What cigars. I'm a hiker, dang it. I'm passing out pink Clif bars. :wink:

Michiko is doing well. She's due Sept 20, less than 4 weeks away. The baby could come at any time. The baby was "breach," so we went in for a procedure today where they turn the baby by pushing on Michiko's stomach in "strategic" spots as indicated by an ultra sound. Pretty much a trip to watch. Good news: the procedure was successful and without complications (sometimes turning the baby causes the woman to go into labor).

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:57 am
by tinaballina
i love it-pink cliff bars. i want one for sure.

Re: Dawson & Pine 8-23

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:05 am
by Hikin_Jim
tinaballina wrote:i love it-pink cliff bars. i want one for sure.
There's one with your name on it ... :)