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Mt. Burnham & Throop Peak: 08-08-2009

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:08 pm
by HikeUp
Hiked up to Burnham and Throop from Dawson Saddle this morning. Started at sunrise (6 am) and it was kind of cold - maybe 'cause I was in shorts and a t-shirt.

Trail from the Saddle to where it intersects the PCT just east of Throop is in great shape. I had never been on this trail - a very easy and enjoyable stroll with some great views. Once on the PCT, it's a short distance to Throop and a nice ridge hike over to Burnham.

Missing register on Throop. Register on Burnham was ripped to pieces and strewn about in the bushes.


Park here, just east of the actual saddle...

There are 2 trail heads for some reason. They meet up after a few switchbacks. This one is a little bit east of where I parked...

And this one is across the road from the highway maintenance building, a bit west of where I parked...

Nice view down into Iron Fork...

Looks a lot like Kansas :wink:

Re: Mt. Burnham & Throop Peak: 08-08-2009

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:51 am
by simonov
Now that the ACH is open, I think I'm going to do a lot more shuttle trips. A lot more interesting than there-and-backs.

Re: Mt. Burnham & Throop Peak: 08-08-2009

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:45 pm
by AW~
very cool, always a fan of Iron Fork pictures too.

Re: Mt. Burnham & Throop Peak: 08-08-2009

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:41 pm
by HikeUp
simonov wrote:Now that the ACH is open, I think I'm going to do a lot more shuttle trips. A lot more interesting than there-and-backs.
There-and-backs, loops, point-to-point...all good if you ask me. It's a long drive to this part of the ACH, so I think it's easier to take just one car up - depending on group size of course! Being a solo hiker for the most part, there-and-back works for me - see things from 2 perspectives!
AW wrote:very cool, always a fan of Iron Fork pictures too.
I'm sure you've seen this but the views down into Bear Creek from Kratka Ridge are awesome. And what does a peak bagger know about canyons?!

Re: Mt. Burnham & Throop Peak: 08-08-2009

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:39 am
by AW~
Yes, saw the view of Bear canyon from Islip & Kratka...although have to admit that east ridge for some reason was the center of attention though:-)

We'll have to get you into a peak-canyon combo, although admitedly, those loopers may come into play for a few minutes :D