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Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:35 am
by edenooch
About a couple weeks ago i was on the Idlehour loop. At the end i ran into some USFS people that were amazed at the route i took using the seldom traveled idlehour loop. The mentioned some thing about old wooden cabins/ranches hidden some where below mt wilson east of Mt lowe. I was wondering if any of you cross country dudes have stumbled upon it?
Or any thing else exciting for that matter. Ancient indian artifacts? ruins?

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:06 pm
by Ze Hiker
i don't know about the stuff below mt wilson, but I find abandoned mines to be pretty cool. there's a bunch around Iron mt for instance; I've visited the Allison, Baldora, & Widco mines. There are a few others i'ld like to get to soon.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:43 pm
by Dirt_Pour
There is a cabin in that area, a very nice solitary place to enjoy a picnic.

BTW im new here, Hello everyone.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:53 pm
by edenooch
You know where the cabins/mines are exactly?
welcome to sgmdf. Nice Screen name BTWW

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:35 pm
by lilbitmo
If the ecomony doesn't pick up soon we are all going to be using that name

Dirt_Pour1 thru gazillion

Welcome to our insanity :shock:

Hope to see you on the hills soon.


Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:39 pm
by Dirt_Pour
thanks for the Welcome edenooch and lilbitmo

edenooch i do know where it is.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:05 pm
by outwhere
edenooch wrote:The mentioned some thing about old wooden cabins
Always loved the idea of running into cabins but never really found/saw any - is that because the forest service leveled so many of them - or me not looking in the right spots?

Well, I know this sounds kinda wrong, [since my butt probably won't do the leg work to reach them [these days]..... but anybody have any pictures of odd ball, off the tract, cabins in the San Gabriels?

Dirt Pour, greetings, now did you bring your camera :wink: :P

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:52 pm
by Dirt_Pour
im not sure if the FS demolished any cabins.

ill post a picture of it as soon as i can.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:47 pm
by outwhere
Thanks Dirt Pour, be cool see a pic...

Only going on hearsay, well, and a few photos, it sounds like the FS probably leveled a few cabins in their times [1950's & 60's especially so I've been told]

Some cabins were hardly hidden, a few even sitting right there on the front face ranges of the SGmountains.

Sure would be great if more of these cabins still stood, but that's not how it worked out, probably for multiple reasons,,,,, dang it...

Always wondered what it would be like to live in one of those cabins in Big Santa Anita or Ice House canyon, bet those people have some stories...

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:38 am
by erickpfaff
I have been to a cabin there. It was nice. Still kept up. Not sure exactly where. It was upstream from a trail.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:12 am
by Sewellymon
I've always been a huge fan of old cabins in the local mtns- especially ones that gave shelter in a rain...

best was above orchard camp. very well known. hippies and cholos liked it lots. FS tore it down in '78

one or two cabins was still standing at Kelly's camp in the mid 70's. not sure when they went ....

water distict (state? local?) used to keep 2 cabins open to the public on raywood flats south of san gorgonio (7+ mie hike to closest one..). i'd not been since '78 or so.. recently learned they are gone..

used to be an old cabin in the frog closure region upstream from williamson rock. also an old cabin right below the road to the mine on Baden Powell. and how 'bout that old leaning cabin high on Iron Mt (Gold Dollar mine?).

I've eyeballed old topo maps - it shows the cabin near Idlehour. I'd like to learn more/ visit it...

Wildest cabin is privately owned- the last one you see at the start of the Bear Canyon Mt Baldy trail. Has a cable trolly across the stream, then steep as*sed climb to a tiny cabin perched on a little hilltop.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:19 am
by Rumpled
A guy I knew had a cabin somewhere in the Angeles - sorry I don't know where.
It and others burned in a fire ~200-2001 or so. USFS wouldn't them rebuild and the holders of his note still wanted $.

I'm sure someone will probably know more details of what I'm talking about.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:01 pm
by Sewellymon
Rumpled wrote:A guy I knew had a cabin somewhere in the Angeles - sorry I don't know where.
It and others burned in a fire ~200-2001 or so. USFS wouldn't them rebuild and the holders of his note still wanted $.

I'm sure someone will probably know more details of what I'm talking about.
I think that was the San Dimas Canyon fire? Cool, funky community of cabins up there lost to fire. Or 75% of the cabins and now the FS really wants everybody out. Just tried to Google the article but could not find it. Also think the same thing also happened to cabin owners below Crystal Lake (fire, unable o rebuild).

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:37 pm
by outwhere
Sewellymon wrote:best was above orchard camp. very well known. hippies and cholos liked it lots. FS tore it down in '78

one or two cabins was still standing at Kelly's camp in the mid 70's. not sure when they went ....
:shock: :shock: :shock: Thanks a million for these recollections Sewellymon!

By any [long] chance, was this the one by Orchard Camp?


That's wild to hear that the cabins at Kelly's were there into the 70's - recognize any of these :?: :P


Gotta dig into the boxes, got some cool cabin material around the Mt. Lowe area...

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:42 pm
by edenooch
there has to be some thing like this still around

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:43 pm
by edenooch
well what ever was out there is burnt to the ground now.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:19 am
by Richard N.
There was one cabin still in the upper reaches of Eaton Canyon when I last visited it in 93'. There was one next to it and the story goes a bear got inside and tore it apart. So bad that the bear actually demolished.
Its nice to hear stories like that.
Whether or not the fire got into this particular location is hard to say. Its almost down to Idlehour in a side canyon.
Granted, most of the secluded canyons locally have been wiped out.
Bear Canyon is gone and so will the pools once the rains come. The Arroyo got the brunt of the fire right from the beginning. The Grand Canyon & Millard will never be the same in our life time. Upper Pacoima & Chimney Canyons also to a very hard hit. I heard Lightning Point with its 100 year old Ponderosa's is all gone now. That's really sad. I was just camping there a couple of months ago and commented to our group what a loss it would be if a fire rolled though there. Oh to speak to soon. Lightning Point is about 1/4 mile from where the fire fighters were killed when their truck went off the road.

As far as the exact location of the lone cabin, sorry. You'll have to seek it out on your own. I once mentioned on one of these pages its location and name. Once is enough. Some places don't need more visitors. This is one of those places.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:00 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Richard N. wrote:Upper Pacoima & Chimney Canyons also to a very hard hit.
There goes what was left of the trail down Pacoima canyon. It's been neglected/abandoned for years. This is probably it's death knell. That was a nice little trail.
Richard N. wrote:I heard Lightning Point with its 100 year old Ponderosa's is all gone now.
Dang. Those were stately trees. Sometimes big pines like those will bounce back. Let's hope so.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:23 pm
by Ze Hiker
guess I gotta go back soon to Coldwater Canyon before any potential Santa Ana wind fires get there...

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:13 pm
by Taco
wrote:guess I gotta go back soon to Coldwater Canyon before any potential Santa Ana wind fires get there...
Which COldwater Canyon?

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:36 pm
by Hikin_Jim
TacoDelRio wrote:
wrote:guess I gotta go back soon to Coldwater Canyon before any potential Santa Ana wind fires get there...
Which COldwater Canyon?
Probably the one just east of the ridge the Heaton Flats Trail takes to get to Iron Mtn. The Baldora, Eagle, Gold Dollar (I think), and Widco mines are all there.

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:38 pm
by Ze Hiker

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:00 pm
by HikeUp
Can we trade in the Station Fire for a Big Horn Ridge Fire? :wink:

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:25 pm
by Mike P
HikeUp wrote:Can we trade in the Station Fire for a Big Horn Ridge Fire? :wink:
Hikeup, if we traded fires that would be GREAT news for the Baldy bighorn sheep!

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:27 pm
by Ze Hiker
HikeUp wrote:Can we trade in the Station Fire for a Big Horn Ridge Fire? :wink:
yes I can think of a few places that some fire would be a good thing

Re: Hidden gems in the SG's

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:16 am
by Taco