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Deer in Monrovia

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:08 pm
by brian90620
For the last few weeks my gf and I have been going up to Monrovia canyon to ride our bikes. I talked to the ranger there and he said they see alot of bears up there and the best time to see them is usually midweek at night, so thats when we go. Well so far we havent seen a bear up there but we have seen a lot of deer. Ive been there 3 times now and everytime seen at least 3 or 4 deer. They are usually in the neighborhoods sourounding the park. After were done riding at night my gf and I usually sepnd some time just crusing the streets closet to the mountians looking for animals and it's usually pretty easy to find deer at least.

Here are a few pics of some deer we saw, I had more but they were taken in the dark and could hardly see them so my gf erased them since we needed more memory for other pics..... ... 3002920338

Re: Deer in Monrovia

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:37 pm
by dgrimreaper
Nice shots. I was up in WA a couple weeks ago and was able to spot a black tailed deer. But not much else, and have never seen anything bigger than squirrel around here. One day...

Did see one deer up on the Whitney main trail a few years back. I forgot that.

Re: Deer in Monrovia

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:09 pm
by Hikin_Jim
I was hiking on the Mt. Wilson Trail three weeks ago and saw a bear very close to the trailhead. They are out there. :)