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Mt Baldy K9 attempt, 4 July 2009

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:20 pm
by simonov
To get Cisco out of Costa Mesa (where personal fireworks are still legal) for Independence Day, I decided to take him with me up to the top of Mt Baldy and then spend the night in Mount Baldy Village.

As it turned out, Cisco is not exactly mountain dog material. About three quarters of a mile above the Ski Hut he refused to go any further, so we turned back at about 8,500 feet. Later on our way out I put a set of dog booties on him, thinking perhaps his feet were hurting him, and he got up and ran nearly the rest of the way down.

We spent the rest of the day at the Buckhorn Lodge, which was very quiet until after 7:30pm when the Buckhorn Boys showed up to play live music.

Wonderful warm day, and the Baldy trail wasn't nearly as crowded as I would have expected for a holiday weekend. I guess everyone was down in the valleys having barbecues.

Moar photos

Re: Mt Baldy K9 attempt, 4 July 2009

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:11 pm
by outwhere
Fairly sure this is the Buckhorn patio - not sure of the year though...

Re: Mt Baldy K9 attempt, 4 July 2009

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:07 pm
by EnFuego
Thats a nice looken dog ya got there. What breed?

After I did the fireworks thing with my newphews and grandson, I too hit Baldy. I got there about 10pm and with the full moon, it was beautiful.

Re: Mt Baldy K9 attempt, 4 July 2009

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:45 pm
by asbufra
I was the hiker who introduced myself to you and mentioned that we were both on Cucamonga Peak at he same time last week. It was nice to meet you briefly.

Your dog is beautiful.

I use to take my dog up there often and He would also lay down and had to be encouraged to proceed.

At the time I thought He was probably hot but I realized later He had pain in his hips and by laying down He was taking the weight off and the pain would slowly go away. He never limped or showed signs of pain, it was years later I figured it out.

Re: Mt Baldy K9 attempt, 4 July 2009

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:14 am
by simonov
EnFuego wrote:Thats a nice looken dog ya got there. What breed?
He seems to be mostly Jindo. The Koreans up there loved him.

Nice seeing you, asbufra. Seems now that every time I go up there I meet someone from this forum.