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ontario peak

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:45 am
by friendowl
got that call about 7am..."what are you doing today"..."wanna Hike"..?

i had the day off till 430{school}....we picked up friend whose just back from austrailia...a real cool guy but not really in shape [drunk stoner guy]
i dont really like breakfast and i was happy to be going so i didnt think about food..i took my water bottle and i grabbed a granola bar..i dont really eat much on we all got to the icehouse lot about 8am.....

just past the gate we were sitting at the table when a couple walked by..
hikers are ALWAYS friendly but this lady tripped....i say hello to everyone and ask where they are going or where they are coming just curious....anyways i ask them and this lady snaps back "what... are you taking notes" in a real bitchy way...her guy friend got a lil embarrased and quickly responded "just to the saddle" 1st encounter with wild life..even the rattlesnakes are nicer !!

after a little session to change from city boy to trail walker i was ready to house canyon is always a pleasure...walking along the stream and listening to the birds put me in a trance...i saw 2 koreans the whole day..usualy its like 350 koreans...they cool people..good hikers

my lil brother and joe from australia were loving the place...1st time
only thing that was going to be a problem was the food situation..i hadnt eaten since 4pm the previous day but i wasnt hungry yet..i knew id be cool but these guys might get hungry..joe was already hungry and we hadnt even got to the saddle..i figuered we could decide once we getto the saddle if we should go back down...

i have to admit that i messed up today...i usually follow the rules but today i flat out broke them...i cut sorry..i wont do it again
i woke upat 3am and felt horrible...i had to blaze just to get over the guilt.
it was fun climbing up without trails and it was even more fun butt skiing on the way down...i wont do it again..and i'll pickup trash on hikes...

once we got to the saddle i was itching to keep partners sat down like they were done...i let them rest a bit and gave joe the granola bar i lil bro said he was cool...he has decided to give up eating meat...he says if hes going to eat anything he will have to kill the animal himself...its been months and although he craves meat hes stuck to it and is learning about hunting crazy

i give them my sad face and convince them that 2.8 miles aint shit...easy
then we can come down and hit taco bell or in and out...we were all hungry already and talking about food....from the saddle to the peak is a beautiful place...i loved this trail....i think the views are better than baldy
baldy is special to me cuz it was my first peak and 1st time at 10k...but ontario peak is a special place too....

kelly camp is pretty nice...a little trashed but nothing a trash bag wont fix.
i think in winter it would be better...too many flies,bees,bugs,bumblebbes too bis ones that divebomb your face....we filled upwater from the pipe at kellys...and up we went...from kelly to the peak is even more awesome...great views and lots of forest activity.....birds,lizards,wind,sun

when i got to the top of the ridge and got to look down on the other side wher the city is was a cool felt good to be there..i noticed the sign to bighorn pk. was only 3/4 of a mile and said that if i could get these guys to do bighorn pk..too than that would be funny...

by this time we were all starving and joe who was in chucks[converse]
looked pretty miserable...he was enjoying it as much as he could..good hiker ..didnt complain..just kept quietly walking forward...from the pics i have seen i recognized the summit block and tree on th epeak and before i knew it i was there...the peak was lonely...i climbed up the tree and took in the views...being on the tree was an experience in itself....ontariopeak trail gets two thumbs up....

on the way back i was looking for and wanting to go down falling rock canyon but i wasnt quite sure where it started..i didnt really see any user trail...from the bottom of the canyon i was also looking for the way up falling rock...i think i found it but im not quite time...

great day on the mountain...

8am....parking lot
1230...summit ontario
ice house parking lot....4
made it to class.....520
class #2 730-1000pm
king taco.....1030

Re: ontario peak

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:39 pm
by simonov
friendowl wrote:i loved this trail....i think the views are better than baldy
baldy is special to me cuz it was my first peak and 1st time at 10k...but ontario peak is a special place too....
I agree with you there. Once of the nicest views from Ontario is the view of Baldy itself.

The views from Baldy are rather bland by comparison, except in the winter.