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10 Peaks in Baldy area

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:07 pm
by Liz
Does anyone know, off hand, the total mileage and elevation gain/loss for Baldy Village Trail, down Icehouse- bagging 10 peaks from West Baldy to Ontario?


Re: 10 Peaks in Baldy area

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:31 pm
by AlanK
Liz wrote:Does anyone know, off hand, the total mileage and elevation gain/loss for Baldy Village Trail, down Icehouse- bagging 10 peaks from West Baldy to Ontario?
There are many variations of that hike so one is not sure which 10 peaks you mean. I have heard of people doing anywhere from 6 - 13. The 9 peak version (W. Baldy, Baldy, Harwood, Thunder, Telegraph, Timber, Ontario, Bighorn, and Cucamonga) is about 30 miles. I will look up the elevation change, but I think it is over 10000'. You can throw in Etiwanda and Sugarloaf for 11 peaks. To get 13 you need to add Pine and Dawson. And I suppose one could throw in Lookout. What about Wright? Hey, what about Iron?

Re: 10 Peaks in Baldy area

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:53 pm
by Liz
I was planing the first 10 you mentioned. :idea:

Re: 10 Peaks in Baldy area

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:23 am
by mattmaxon
This is an estimate


Re: 10 Peaks in Baldy area

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:39 pm
by Liz
Hmmmm...looking at my topo, it looks to me like if I bag 9 peaks in the Baldy area, I'll cover about 30-31 miles and gain about 9,700 feet, lose about 8,700. Does that sound about right?

Re: 10 Peaks in Baldy area

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:21 pm
by Richard N.
Everyone seems to get different mileage for that entire trip. Try using Robinson's Book or a Harrison Map to get the mileage.

As far as elevation gain & loss, you are adding everything up & down and you're probably pretty close on dong that way.
But the actual gain is like Matt posted. From the lowest to the highest. I personally figure it the way Matt does as well. All that up and down in between is just to crazy to compute all the time. If your going to hike it, just do it and forget the numbers game. It may rack your brain and keep you from doing the journey.

Are you going to attempt all 9 in one day??
WoW!!! If you do, you go girl.
That's one hell of a journey in a day.

We did the Gabrielano Trail in just under 11 hours and we were flying.

Re: 10 Peaks in Baldy area

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:25 pm
by Liz
Yeah, I used my Harrison map.

I just hiked c2c on Sunday, and that's an easy one to figure out. I think my eyes kinda crossed when I sat down to figure out the #s for the 9 peaks.

I think my plan A will be to do the 9 peaks soon...and if I'm tired or sick of the area, I could bail after 6 and still call it a good day. We shall see.