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Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:11 pm
by Tim
This morning HikeUp and I descended Cedar Canyon from the Thunder-Telegraph Saddle to the Chapman Trail leading to Icehouse Canyon.

The upper canyon is very straightforward. There are no major obstacles. There are paths through the brush or you can traverse the slopes on either side of the canyon to bypass any thick patches. The terrain is quite uneven and rocky, making it uncomfortable to walk on.

The only issue we encountered was near where Telegraph's west ridge terminates. Here the brush changes from low-lying manzanita to some kind of buckthorn. This was very tall buckthorn, with some groves over 6 ft high. Most of it was down in the center of the canyon so if you stayed high on the slopes, you could bypass the majority of it. Since you eventually need to head south to intersect the Chapman Trail, we recommend staying high on the left (south) slope starting at around 6700 ft.

Neither of us had been on the Chapman Trail before and we didn't know exactly where it intersects Cedar Canyon, so we continued down the center of the canyon a little bit further than the optimal point of crossing over to the south. We managed to create a small path through the buckthorn with just minimal damage. We would not recommend going further down the canyon unless you're totally out of your mind. This buckthorn is extremely formidable. It is much thicker and taller than what the satellite photos or even my own recon photos made me believe.

I can see how this canyon would suck in the winter. If snow covered the buckthorn and you postholed right into one, you'd get messed up real good.

One last thing, I have never seen so many cars at MF and IHC! At MF, there were cars parked past the Snack Bar and at IHC, they were lined up almost to the first switchback on Mt. Baldy Rd!

We started at 6am, went up the road from MF to Baldy Notch and got back to the IHC parking lot at 11am:

Start of the canyon at the saddle:

Lots of manzanita at the beginning, but this can be easily bypassed on the right:

Heading down, GRR in the background:

Looking up one of the south slopes of Thunder's West Ridge:

Here comes the buckthorn:

This won't be pleasant.

Cedar Glen. I really liked the Chapman Trail. I can't believe I've never been on it despite going up and down IHC numerous times over the years.

Lots of flowers are in bloom so the bees are out.

Re: Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 11:15 pm
by Taco
:twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 6:26 am
by mattmaxon
The buckthorn looks formidable

I was looking at Big Butch Wash last Thursday 5/14...There looks to be a well worn route up there

Any info on the Big Butch route?


Re: Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 7:31 am
by HikeUp
Nice write up Tim! Fun hike for sure.

Here are my pics.

Pathetic little snow plant in Cedar Cyn...

Ping pong ball I found on the summit of Thunder...

Re: Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:49 am
by Tim
mattmaxon wrote:I was looking at Big Butch Wash last Thursday 5/14...There looks to be a well worn route up there

Any info on the Big Butch route?
Matt, there is a path up Big Butch Wash to Miners Bowl. First you do a steep 800' scree scramble up the lower wash from Manker Flats to around 7000' where you turn east and will see a small waterfall (might be dry in the summer, though). This is easily climbed and then you're in BBW which is not that steep at all. It's quite mellow and very secluded. Just before you get to Miners Bowl you will start to see some of the ski resort equipment. When you see a small dam in the creek, you can climb up the left side (north) and then you will see a small water reservoir. If you continue north, you will run into Falls Rd which goes up to Baldy Notch. Alternately, if you continue up BBW to Miners Bowl, you will run into Chair 3, which serves Thunder Mtn. Here you can either go up the steep, but direct ascent to Thunder or continue on a service road up to Baldy Notch.

HikeUp, nice pictures and nice hiking with you as well. I'll email you the GPS track.

Re: Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:59 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Great TR, Tim.

I've used the Chapman Trail a number of times. The area around Cedar Grove and the trail camp is nice, but a lot of the section from the trail camp to the upper junction with the regular IHC trail is pretty exposed. The Chapman Trail also adds a couple of miles to the trip to Icehouse Saddle and it bypasses Columbine Spring. For those reasons, I usually stick to the regular IHC trail, but the Chapman makes a nice alternate route on occasion, and as I say the trail camp is kind of nice.


Re: Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 4:06 pm
by RichardK
I have wondered what Cedar Canyon is like. Thanks for posting a great report. Too bad about the buckthorn. Wading through sticker bushes is not much fun. I really like the Chapman Trail. It adds 1.7 miles to the IHC route, but being higher up the views are better. Somehow it seems Sierra-like.

Re: Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:52 pm
by Tim
Thanks Jim and Richard. I've always passed the Chapman Trail because like you said, it was longer and I thought it was just another boring, sun exposed trail. But the first part up to Cedar Glen isn't too bad. There are some nice trees there and when you get to the buckthorn field, the view opens up with the side canyons below Ontario right in front of you. It would probably be a great view in the winter.

Re: Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 12:13 am
by Taco
mattmaxon wrote:Any info on the Big Butch route?

Matt ... -Wash.html

Re: Cedar Canyon, 16-May-2009

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:46 pm
by 406
nice work and tr.