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Timber via Icehouse Canyon 5/3/09

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:51 pm
by Zach
I got up late, almost went to the Santa Rosa Plateau but opted for a trail run (actually, i walked a good portion too) up Icehouse. Started around 1130... saw 2 guys going up a steep snow-filled draw about half-way up the canyon. Looks like they were shortcutting up to Ontario. Nice weather out, sunny with a nice breeze. Tons of people as usual. Made it to the saddle by 1230, rested a bit and actually decided from there to go up Timber. Got to timber around 1. Met some Korean dude with a Chihuahua, the damn thing was eating watermelon and plums... never seen a dog eat fruit before. Is there a register? Looked around but couldn't find one. Came back down, and was at the car by 2pm. Good workout. The trail from the saddle to Ontario and Cucamonga both looked like they were snow-covered. Sorry, no pics. :P

Re: Timber via Icehouse Canyon 5/3/09

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:53 pm
by EnFuego
No pics???? No proof!!!! :lol:

Re: Timber via Icehouse Canyon 5/3/09

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:46 pm
by Dudley Heinsbergen
there was a register that says 'mt chapman' in sauder, and its lodged in a tree knot on the east side of the nice sitting log.

Re: Timber via Icehouse Canyon 5/3/09

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 8:48 pm
by hvydrt
Zach wrote:........almost went to the Santa Rosa Plateau
I procrastinated on Saturday morning and ended up doing a quick loop at the Santa Rosa Plateau . I even managed to wander off into the research area with getting busted. :wink:

Re: Timber via Icehouse Canyon 5/3/09

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:16 pm
by Zach
Dudley Heinsbergen wrote:there was a register that says 'mt chapman' in sauder, and its lodged in a tree knot on the east side of the nice sitting log.
I sat on that damn log, looked for it in that big pile of scree that holds up the sign with no words.

Hvydrt: Sweet pics, I took a look at the other stuff from your website... pretty sweet. What kind of camera are you using?

Re: Timber via Icehouse Canyon 5/3/09

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:53 pm
by friendowl

did you look inside the canoli tree
