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Baldy via Village Trail 5/2/09

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:58 pm
by Liz
I did the Village trail up Baldy with my friend Jeff again today for my second time up that way. We cut 1 hour, 5 minutes off our ascent. Mostly it was because I knew what to expect this time, so I didn't need to pace myself so conservatively. Also, there was less snow, and what snow there was didn't slow me down as much this time.

It was a beautiful day to hike above the clouds! It got pretty windy and cold along the upper portion of the trail. We made the summit just after 10 AM and it was pretty chilly, with a steady wind and some strong gusts. The snow was soft- no need whatsoever for crampons. We did some post holing now and then, and the snow reached just a little above my knees.

Nice hike, great workout, fun times!

Re: Baldy via Village Trail 5/2/09

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:04 pm
Hey Liz,

Nice Job. Did you come down the same route? I like going up that route but no way my knees would take the abuse on the downhill. Take care.

Jeff S

Re: Baldy via Village Trail 5/2/09

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:23 pm
by Liz
Hey Jeff! Yuppers! We went down the same way. Pretty steep, but not as steep as Big Iron Mountain!