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Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:27 pm
by Augie
Yesterday I led a California Mountaineering Club outing to Big Iron from Heaton Flat. The weather was ideal: sunny with cloud cover so it never got too warm. Had 3 fit participants. I led a slow to moderate pace and we summited in 4 and 1/2 hours.

At the summit, we met up with Rick Kent. Rick had hiked to the top solo in just under 3 hours and had met up with another guy who wanted to do the San Antonio Ridge traverse. So, about 12:30 pm, these two started off across the ridge to Baldy and Manker Flat (lots of snow on the ridge still and lots on Baldy's face towards Iron). Personally, I'd chose an earlier start time to begin the traverse, whether its Iron to Baldy or vice versa. If any of you know Rick Kent, you'd say "that's just like Rick."

Anywho, this was 7 times for me to Iron, more times than most, but less than many others (for example, Mars Bonfire [Sierra Club HPS legend and composer of 60's hit "Born to be Wild"] 14x a couple of years ago and probably more by now).

Love the entries in the register for Big Iron. Many "the hike from hell" types of comments and "never again if I make it back down." The other extreme is Rick Kent's entry for yesterday: "Made it in a disappointing 2 hrs. 55 minutes, 15 minutes slower than last time. Probably it's age."

Gotta love it. Those that haven't been, get thyself in a little shape and experience Big Iron. The memory will be with you for awhile.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:29 pm
by Taco
Most excellent. 8)

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:35 pm
by Augie
Hey, thanks Ryan. Read your Facebook status update on your condition. Little by little you'll get back in top form. Hope that arm improves though.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:16 pm
by AlanK
"That's just like Rick." :D

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:15 pm
by KathyW
Thanks for the report Augie.

and I thought I was doing good when I made it up in 6 hours.

No matter the speed, it's always nice to have a cool day when hike up Big Iron.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:44 pm
by Augie
KathyW wrote: No matter the speed, it's always nice to have a cool day when hike up Big Iron.
The difference weather makes on this route is incredible.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:56 pm
by KathyW
I agree with - those cool temperatures make a difference. I'll never be a speedster, but I do admire those who can move fast and it is interesting to see people trying to get stronger and beat their old time. I'm always proud when I can do a hike a bit faster than the last time.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:25 am
by Augie
KathyW wrote:I agree with - those cool temperatures make a difference. I'll never be a speedster, but I do admire those who can move fast and it is interesting to see people trying to get stronger and beat their old time. I'm always proud when I can do a hike a bit faster than the last time.
One of the persons in my group, Quang Tran, set a PR for his ascents of Iron. The other two in the group were first timers.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:39 am
by EManBevHills
I hadn't read much of Rick's exploits lately. Thought maybe he had taken up knitting!

Another nice one Augie. And thanks for the historical perspective. Born to be Wild! Indeed.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:07 am
by Augie
EManBevHills wrote:I hadn't read much of Rick's exploits lately. Thought maybe he had taken up knitting!

Another nice one Augie. And thanks for the historical perspective. Born to be Wild! Indeed.
Thanks Eman. Yep, those royalties keep coming in for Mars. How do you think he has time for all that hiking? He was an original member of the group that recorded the song, Steppenwolf.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:49 pm
by Rick Kent
I probably should take up knitting. I was a full 15 minutes slower than last time and had some painful muscle cramps in my calves that temporarily disabled me -- very annoying since I did everything to prevent this: stretched well before starting, hydrated well the whole time, etc.). I guess I'll have to take up competitive knitting.

It was fun running past ... er I mean meeting you guys. :)

I was going to summit and run back down as quickly as possible but after not meeting my time goal to summit I figured there wasn't much point to racing back down.

It didn't take much convincing for me to join Steve Schulz for the traverse over to Baldy. Thanks Steve and Dan for the car shuttle. We had no issues on the traverse. Clouds were blowing over the top of Baldy & West Baldy so we didn't have a view. We took the ski hut trail down. Again some snow on the trail but no problems. Relaxed with food and drink at the Baldy Lodge.

Photos are here: ... lderID=800


Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:14 pm
by lilbitmo
Nice work Rick, as always you set the bar high for the rest of us to reach.

Thanks for the Pict's and report and thaks for showing the pictures of all the Summit Log - Zach, take a close look at the one mark 4/14/09, sure enough Liz's log is there, you must have over looked it.

Hope to see you on the trail soon.

No I did not go on the Ortega to 91 trip, my hiking partner bailed again on Thursday.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:56 am
by Augie
This guy poked his head out from a yucca to say hello to us as were descending from Iron down the south ridge.


Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:07 am
by Augie
One more photo. This shows the cloud cover looking up towards the last mile of the south ridge that made our hike so comfortable.


Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:07 pm
by Taco
Cool shot.


Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:39 pm
by Mike P
Augie wrote:This guy poked his head out from a yucca to say hello to us as were descending from Iron down the south ridge.
Gotta' love gopher snakes!!

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:22 am
by Augie
Mike P wrote:
Gotta' love gopher snakes!!
This guy's getting popular. Maybe I should get him a MySpace or FaceBook page!

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:05 am
by EnFuego
Thanks for TR Augie. Weather looked perfect for doing Iron. I can't even imagine doing it in 3 hrs +/-. Did Rick stop at all on the way up? Maybe to change out his jet packs something?

Congrats on your first timers. It's a toughy.

Re: Big Iron 4/25/08

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:37 am
by Augie
EnFuego wrote:Thanks for TR Augie. Weather looked perfect for doing Iron. I can't even imagine doing it in 3 hrs +/-. Did Rick stop at all on the way up? Maybe to change out his jet packs something?

Congrats on your first timers. It's a toughy.
Yep; weather was ideal. When Rick passed us on the route, he was running. I'm sure he slowed down to a fast hike pace on the steep parts, but I don't imagine he stopped much.