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Baring it all on Bear Flat Trail 4/18/09

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:14 pm
by Liz
Ha ha! Okay, no one "bared it all." I just wondered if that would get you to read this post.

I hiked up Bear Flat Trail to Baldy summit yesterday, with hiking buddy, Jeff. We couldn't have asked for much better weather, or more wonderful conditions. I've hiked Baldy several times, but always via Devil's Backbone or the Ski Hut. This was soooo much better! I love pushing myself hard, and the scenery was splendid. Honestly, the 6,000 vertical gain wasn't as grueling as I thought it would be. However, keep in mind, the previous two Saturdays, I was introduced to Rattlesnake Peak and Iron Mountain. So, as with many things, it's all about perspective. :D

Anyway, the trail was in great condition, and yesterday was a little breezy- not windy like today. As we climbed above 9,000 feet, crossing some sizable snow fields, the snow was soft, and we were able to kick step pretty easily without crampons. It was a little icy in a few shady spots, but not too bad.

We happily made the summit- my 18th time, and for Jeff- I think he lost count after 50, or 100. Temps were pleasant on the summit, as long as the breeze stayed calm.

We'd planned on returning the way we came, but in an effort to save my feet, we chose to go down via the Backbone. I'm pretty sure I have an overuse condition in my feet, called "sesamoiditis." (I'm getting ti checked out soon). Steep downhill hurts more than anything. And, since I'm leaving this Weds for a Grand Canyon backpacking trip, it seemed prudent to save my feet a little bit! There were a few passes of easily passible snow on the Backbone. I'd never gone down that way, s it was cool for me to get a different perspective.

Here's a shout out to Jeff, for not only taking me up a cool, new trail for the third week in a row-- but also for showing me another way to reach one of my favorite summits.

Pics are here: ... 968310781/

Re: Baring it all on Bear Flat Trail 4/18/09

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:22 pm
by Taco
REST YER FEET!!!!!!!! :)

Re: Baring it all on Bear Flat Trail 4/18/09

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:31 pm
by Ze Hiker
nice job! thanks for the info. good luck healing up for Grand Canyon, hopefully it won't be too hot.

time to do bear flat trail as a conditioning hike :P

Re: Baring it all on Bear Flat Trail 4/18/09

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:44 pm
by EnFuego
wrote:time to do bear flat trail as a conditioning hike :P

You sure it's got enough vertical for ya? :lol:

Re: Baring it all on Bear Flat Trail 4/18/09

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:19 pm
by calicokid
I just came back from Grand Canyon. It was a chilly 20 degree at night to around 60 during the day. Very nice weather for hiking down the bottom.

Re: Baring it all on Bear Flat Trail 4/18/09

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:42 pm
by lilbitmo
Good work Liz, from West Baldy you could have hit a "Driver or Three Wood" over to Iron mountain and knocked out either Zach or myself - at that point we more than likely wouldn't have cared.

Good pictures - go enjoy the Grand Canyon, be safe, you're getting there right after the "Heat Wave" niceeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Can't wait to see pictures and hear the trip report.

lilbit -less today :shock: