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San Gorgonio 4/7-8/09

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:31 pm
by Dudley Heinsbergen
we get to South fork trailhead at midnight monday night (technically tuesday) and take off towards dry lake. At poopout hill we see a full moon lighting up our target, Mt San Gorgonio.

We put the crampons on at South Fork Meadows and head up that little canyon. We set up camp at Lodgepole Spring at 3:30am and cook din-din, snap some bowlz and go to sleep.

the sun wakes us, and we go back to bed. We start heading up this ski-run-looking avalanche shoot at 10 am and head towards the northest ridge on the mountain.

we summit at 1:30, and sleep on the top till 4. constant 40 mph winds, 80 mph gusts.

head west along the ridge towards Jepson Peak and Glissade down jepson's north bowl. it was sweet untill icy spots wore my butt's top layer of epidermis off.

at about 6:30 we're back at the camp, dismantle our tent, cook dinner and head out at dusk. The full moon led us again down the hill towards Horse Meadows, where we stayed that night, in the cabin closer to the trail. We arrived at 9 pm, shut the door, and opened it at dawn to see .002 inches of new snow on the ground. we head out wednesday morning and head home so i can get to work on time.

pictures are here ... 1332642021

Re: San Gorgonio 4/7-8/09

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:02 pm
by Taco
Cool pics dude. I added you. 8)