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Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:44 pm
by Liz
I must admit, I’d never heard of Iron Mountain until a couple of months ago. But, once I heard about it, and what a tough hike it is…I knew I had to do it soon! I thought I’d go the first time with my buddy EnFuego (David), but that was not the case. While David was up on Mt. Shasta, I tackled Iron Mountain with 2 other buddies, Jeff and G. Those two have hiked this mountain, I don’t know how many times. It was my turn to see just how “fun” it would be.

We couldn’t have asked for a better today. Oh, the spring weather was perfect- not too hot or cold. If you’ve hiked Iron, then you know…the first 4.5 miles or so are just the warm up. Once it’s time to take on the last 3 miles to the summit…the true workout begins. The scenery did improve with every bit of elevation gained, so it was quite rewarding.

The trail was free of snow and ice, but Baldy, across the way, still has plenty, as you can see in my pics. Anyway, in some ways, the uphill was just as tough as I’d imagined, but in spots it was easier than I expected. It wasn’t at all my fastest uphill hike, but my buddies were cool with me pacing myself, since I didn’t know exactly what to expect with this hike and I wanted to make sure I had energy and strength for the whole thing.

The views from the summit are truly rewarding. I’d happily stand atop that summit again. Oh, on the ascent we met “Elwood,” who also joined us at the summit. (Congrats, Elwood!!) We enjoyed his company, and hopefully were not too rowdy for him. ☺

The hardest part of the trip, for me, was the initial 3 miles coming down from the summit. I’ll take steep uphill over steep downhill any day. I want to shout a big THANK YOU to my buddy Jeff who waited patiently for me to slowly make my way down the steep slope, with its scree and loose, terrible footing.

As we got back to the car, we all felt pretty good…a little hungry, and thirsty- for a cold beer! I had a great time, and felt strong! I woke up this morning, with no leg soreness! I used trekking poles, and especially used 'em on the steep downhill. My triceps are a little worked, but I’m cool with that. What a tough, awesome hike! I’m starting to feel like I’m an Iron Woman!!

If you’re interested, pics are here: ... 302201475/

Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:18 pm
by lilbitmo
Nice hike Liz, great post and pictures. Now you have one that EnFuego still has to do. It's still on my list as well.

Hopefully that beer at the bottom tasted as good as you thought it would.

Great job, hope to see you on the trail soon.

lilbitmo :D :D

Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:34 pm
by norma r
Great job Liz! That's one heck of a hike isn't it. I'd like to go back when i can enjoy the view you had.

Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:54 pm
by AlanK

Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:20 pm
by Elwood
Excellent trip report covering an excellent hike. It was a pleasure meeting y'all on Saturday. The ole knees are complaining a little today about the 6000 foot, three hour descent, but I didn't do them any favors hiking up Mt Thom (Verdugos) yesterday and today.


Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:37 pm
by EnFuego
Nice job Liz. Glad you enjoyed that hike. The last couple (3) miles is pretty tough. I remember doing that hike when I was about 12 years old. I made it up, down, and back to the truck with my dad, but only a few minutes later, I was asleep till the following day.

Now, instead of doing the ole Wilson thing every weekend, you should start doing speed ascents of Iron. I bet that will get this group rev'd up. I'm even willing to bet that a nice lil competition will get started. I'm almost willing to bet you would win. :lol:
lilbitmo wrote:Nice hike Liz, great post and pictures. Now you have one that EnFuego still has to do. It's still on my list as well.

lilbitmo :D :D
Patrick - I've done it already. Unfortunately it was before adolesence. :shock:

Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:02 pm
by Liz
Oh my gosh! I'm so tired of telling peeps like you that Wilson is NOT my FAVORITE hike. I have only done it this winter, and cannot wait to return to the many trails I love in the San Gorgonio Wilderness. The approaches to Wilson have been perfect to keep me in EXCELLENT condition while my fave trails have been buried under snow. EnFuego....come on my friend- you know I'm not a Wilson lover at heart. :P

Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:28 pm
by EnFuego
Liz wrote:Oh my gosh! I'm so tired of telling peeps like you that Wilson is NOT my FAVORITE hike. I have only done it this winter, and cannot wait to return to the many trails I love in the San Gorgonio Wilderness. The approaches to Wilson have been perfect to keep me in EXCELLENT condition while my fave trails have been buried under snow. EnFuego....come on my friend- you know I'm not a Wilson lover at heart. :P
Is that what I am to you? A PEEP? What the #$&@ is a peep anyway? Is it one of those marshmellowee little rabit things you get on Easter? Ok - I'm cool with that.

There was no reason to not go to San G this winter. Face it, you're a closet Mt Wilson lover. Cowboy up and come out of the closet and admit it. :lol: You're a frontrage junkie.

No worries, you have the whole SGMDF to help you. We'll have an intervention.

I'll even take you to San G or San J in the next few weeks. And don't forget the C2C hike.

Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:53 pm
by Liz
EnFuego- you're on! San G and/or San J here we come!!

Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:56 pm
by EnFuego
Liz wrote:EnFuego- you're on! San G and/or San J here we come!!
You have to come out of the closet first. The frontrange closet that is. :shock:

Re: Iron virgin no longer!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:59 pm
by Liz
EnFuego...Remember that I am the one who spent weeks in the wilderness, on the JMT. You are totally front country compared to me.