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Moonlighting on Mt Baldy

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:43 pm
by Dave G
Skipping sleep and climbing Baldy in the moonlight just seemed like a good idea to Norma and I Friday night. It was very cool (actually, quite cold!) climbing Register Ridge with only the moon for a headlamp. We took our time with many layer and equipment changes through the night and the sun was already greeting us as we came down the west side of the bowl. At the hut we heard someone calling our names and it was none other than Lilbitmo, Brian, Liz and EnFuego! It was awesome meeting all of you! Pix are here: ... 199539867/


Re: Moonlighting on Mt Baldy

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:51 pm
by EnFuego
Hey Dave. It was a pleasure meeting you and Norma. You guys are quite the diehard climbers. Register Ridge at midnight??? You two are maniacs. :lol: How long is Register Ridge from Ski Hut trail to the ridge line, elevation gain and how long did it take for you guys to get up to the ridge.

Pretty cool you found your glasses. Amazing nobody saw them during the week.

Now that I know you live close, we'll have to hook up more and do some hikes/climbs. Sounds like you and Norma do some prety interesting stuff.

Keep in touch.

Re: Moonlighting on Mt Baldy

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:03 pm
by lilbitmo
Dave and Norma, I'm hoping you got some good sleep after doing "Midnight Madness Part #2"? :D

I'm very impressed with all your dedication to try new advetures and hikes.

It was nice to finally put voices with your faces and blog postings on the two "Blog sites".

Great job and look forward to seeing you on the trail again soon.

Thanks for posting the pictures as well, they are great as always. :D

Re: Moonlighting on Mt Baldy

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:53 am
by norma r
hey, who needs sleep? truly, it might take me a couple days to catch up, but it was certainly worth it to miss some and take this midnight hike. it was so cool to hike by the light of the moon. then watching the sunrise and the colors in the bowl made Baldy the prettiest i have ever seen her look. it was great to meet lilbitmo, en Fuego, Liz and Bryan at the hut. let's meet for a hike soon. thanx Dave G for another great adventure!

here are my pix: ... llMoonHike#

p.s. lilbitmo, i came home and could only sleep for an hour. go figure?

Re: Moonlighting on Mt Baldy

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:45 pm
by KathyW
brrrrrrrrr :)

I guess you would call that a pre-alpine start.

Re: Moonlighting on Mt Baldy

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:17 am
by Dave G
KathyW wrote:brrrrrrrrr :)

I guess you would call that a pre-alpine start.
Thanks, Kathy--a new addition to my climbing lexicon! :lol:
(I don't plan to make a habit of it, however. That sun is up there for a number of very good reasons! :wink: )