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Devil's Back Bone Times Two ?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:30 pm
by outwhere
edit: Ooops, meant for General Discussion, sorry 'bout that.


The [in]famous BB 'east' of Baldy is a classic [lots of funny moments there...]

Of course, eh hemmmm, I've only seen the "other" Desert Back Bone -------- via John Robinson's topo map :P :roll: Can't even find a pic of it on the net [so far]

I know, I really should go see it first hand, but since that's long odds, anybody got any second hand comments :wink: or pictures! :D of this stretch of trail...? Thanks in advance...

Just curious how or if these two back bones compare/contrast...

Always looking to see more interesting angles of this section too... :shock: [not my photo]

Got one to add myself, will post it when I get my mitts on it...

Re: Devil's Back Bone Times Two ?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:40 pm
by kgw
Here's some good info on the "northern" Devil's Backbone."

I did an overnight many, many years ago: the views are fantastic due to the steepness of the ridge. Slept on a small bench on the east side of the ridge. Wonderful place. If I had pictures, I have no idea where they are now :wink:

Re: Devil's Back Bone Times Two ?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:07 pm
by kgw

Photo description:
"Camp Lupine is in the canyon to the right of the backpackers. Cabin Flat (there is no "s") is in the canyon about mid picture, directly in front of the backpackers. Baden-Powell is in the background." I think the hikers are on Pine Mtn.

From what I can gather, Blue Ridge Road is closed somewhere near Guffy's Camp. This would make for a bit of road walking before getting to the trailhead.

Re: Devil's Back Bone Times Two ?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:15 pm
by kgw
Let's see if this works: nope, no working link. Just cut and past the link into your browser.,-11 ... d\%2C%20ca

The trail starts just below Wright Mtn., south of the road.

Re: Devil's Back Bone Times Two ?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:50 pm
by Hikin_Jim
kgw wrote:Let's see if this works: nope, no working link. Just cut and past the link into your browser.,-11 ... d\%2C%20ca

The trail starts just below Wright Mtn., south of the road.
Someone had asked a question about Baldy on the San Jacinto forum. I mapped out the four main routes to Baldy. Map link for the "Other Devil's Backbone" route (A.K.A. "Baldy from the North" route).

There are explanations of the marked points on the first link.

Re: Devil's Back Bone Times Two ?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:20 pm
by kgw
Thanks, Jim!

Re: Devil's Back Bone Times Two ?

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:43 pm
by outwhere
:shock: Thanks a lot for this info kgw & Hikin Jim... prettier country than I imagined... I can see some back boniness along this spot :wink: Again, thanks for answering one of my long time questions...


That darn high up back bone got a friend of mine in a pickle one time... it just freaked him out so much that one time [on the way down], he could barely muster up the nerve to cross it...

We were already running short on light, so the half hour+ it took for him to finally cross it, was some interesting minutes ticking away... the other option, going back up and over to the Ski Hut trail wasn't gonna happen...

Believe it not, we did the back bone with guy again a few months later --- this time he wasn't as bad,,,,, but he got me so psyched out I almost couldn't cross the dang thing...

:lol: :lol: :lol: