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Tagging a Peak

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:31 pm
by Zach
I'd like to get out and enjoy the awesome conditions. Depending on the weather I would like to tag either Ontario or Cucamonga Peak. Also, is viable route on the south-eastern part of the mountain (starting in Rancho Cucamonga area) that can be done in a day?

If you have any other suggestions I'm pretty easy going. Let me know and lets get out there!

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:36 am
by EnFuego
Zach - are you considering starting at the base of the mountain (in the City) and bagging the peak? Up and back in a day?

Damn dude, whatever happened to strolling up to the peak, having a PB&J sandwich and strolling back to the car?

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:11 am
by Zach
where would be the fun in that? plus, do i really want to go up icehouse with throngs of people?

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:53 pm
by EnFuego
Hey, the fun would be in seeing how many PB&J sandwiches you can wolf down in 3 minutes with nothen to drink. :lol:

Seriously though, I think I found a pretty killer loop. Nothing super epic, but a loop that I don't think has been done in awhile. Maybe 16-20 miles RT. Killer in the sense that there is some good elevation gain, but some spectular views. Cant tell you where the hike is just yet, but here's a hint = through sand and stone the snow will come and upon his throne Lucifer will reign upon us.

I'll keep you posted. I can't do it this coming weekend, but maybe Thursday, Friday or Saturday (Feb 26, 27 or 28).

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:55 pm
by Liz
Hey EnFuego! May I join in the fun? I could do Saturday, 2/28.

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:59 pm
by Zach
oh, i like this game! something to do with devil's backbone, or possibly death valley... white mountain?!

I think i'm going to attempt Cucamonga's southern ridge. Probably going up either Saturday or Sunday if body and weather/conditions permit. Early start: 4ish at the end of Haven past the 210. Cross country till I hit the top. I'm contemplating going up and over to icehouse but I'd need a car shuttle for that :x crampons and ice axe for sure on last 500ft, maybe some snowshoes too. if somebody is doing something else those days let me know... i'm not too set in my plans just yet.

PS: you guys think it will be safe to climb a southern slope by the weekend?

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:55 pm
by EnFuego
Zach wrote:oh, i like this game! something to do with devil's backbone, or possibly death valley... white mountain?!
Nope - try again.

Zach wrote:I think i'm going to attempt Cucamonga's southern ridge.
Awesome. Sounds tough if you plan to take snowshoes and crampons.

Zach wrote: PS: you guys think it will be safe to climb a southern slope by the weekend?
Just do it, and let the rest of us know whether it was safe or not. In case we want to try a southern facing slope in the days to follow.

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Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:40 pm
by LD
Hey Zach,
I'm planning on doing Ontario Peak this Saturday. I'm sure no one has broken trail to the saddle yet so I could always use the help :lol:

Was thinking of doing Cucamonga's NW ridge but I think I'll wait one more week to let things consolidate a bit.


Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:48 pm
by Zach
cool, are you doing it from Icehouse? What time are you starting?

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:09 pm
by LD
Great! I want to get an early start. In the parking lot around 6:30

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:38 am
by Liz
You guys still considering Ontario tomorrow? If so, I may join. If conditions are too ridiculous for this winter newbie, then I can turn around. I often hike solo, so that's no problem for me.

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:10 pm
by Zach
ugh, i dont think i will be able to make it tomorrow morning at 630. I have a training meeting for a race in Rancho Cucamonga at 730, i might be able to do 930 or 10??? probably not going to work, but if so, I'll check this site tomorrow before i leave. Sorry!

Re: Tagging a Peak

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:31 am
by Liz
I ended up staying out later than expected last night (this morning), so I didn't get up early enough to hit the trail.