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Sugarloaf, Ontario Peak 11-8-07

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:35 pm
by hvydrt
Did a nice solo loop yesterday in the Ice House canyon area. When I got to the parking lot at 6:30am it was closed, so I parked on the street. At the trail head there were signs saying "No Entry". I assumed they just hadn’t removed the signs yet. I climbed up Falling Rock Canyon towards Sugarloaf. I left the canyon when it started to head in a more easterly direction and climbed up the scree slope towards the saddle. Once I reached the saddle it was an easy walk up to Sugarloaf. I then backtracked down to the saddle and took the ridge between falling rock and cherry canyons up to Ontario Peak. I took the regular trail back to Icehouse saddle and then down to the parking lot. I didn’t see another person until I was with in 2 miles of the parking lot. I got back to the parking lot about 1pm and the forest service had removed all the "No Entry" signs. Gps recorded the hike at 9.25 miles with 4200' gain


Re: Sugarloaf, Ontario Peak 11-8-07

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:46 pm
by Taco
How are the views up on Sugarloaf?

SOunds like you had the place to yourself, till the end. 8)

Re: Sugarloaf, Ontario Peak 11-8-07

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:55 pm
by JayO
Did you get a permit or just wing it?

Are you still thinking of doing the 5 peak loop someday?

How was the climb up Falling Rock?

Re: Sugarloaf, Ontario Peak 11-8-07

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 8:11 pm
by hvydrt
Taco, the views from sugarloaf are ok. You get a good look at San Antonio Canyon. There was a thick fog at about 3000' feet, so I couldn't see much to the west.

JayO, I should have called in for a permit, but I decided to do this hike at the last minute. I was short on time on Thursday so I couldn't do the whole loop. I think my buddy and I are going to do it on the 18th. Falling Rock Canyon was fun. The first mile or so is the best part, as you can see from the profile its a real butt kicker after that all the way to Ontario.

Re: Sugarloaf, Ontario Peak 11-8-07

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:21 am
by Taco
Thanks. This one's on my list soon.

Re: Sugarloaf, Ontario Peak 11-8-07

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:02 pm
by dhstein31
Had hiked the reverse of this one last year and added Cucamonga and Big Horn to this list. Ice House- Cucamonga, Big Horn, Ontario, SugarLoaf and Down. That scree slop up to the SugarLoaf summit had to be TOUGH --------- going down it was almost like glisading.