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Hastings Peak: 12-28-2008

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:47 pm
by HikeUp
A quick hike up to a local front country peak. Hastings Peak is at elev. ~4030' and is on the Sierra Club's Lower Peaks Section list. The two most direct ways to get there are via the Bailey Canyon TH and the Mt. Wilson Trail TH - both in Sierra Madre. I started at the Mt. Wilson Trail TH and hooked up with the crossover trail that leads up to Hastings ridge. From there it is a short hike up the ridge to the peak.

The trails are in great shape. There is plenty of evidence that they are doing erosion prevention on the Mt. Wilson Trail in the 2008 burn area. No snow or ice, but it was cold enough above 3500' in the shade that the dirt was kind of frozen solid. Saw recent prints in the dirt made by someone's Yaktrax - must have been made when there was snow/ice down to about 3600' on the trail last weekend.

Clear skies made for some cool pics. Santa Barbara Island was barely visible - first time I've been able to see it. It's about 75 miles from Hastings Peak. Catalina is about 60 miles from the same point.

Sunrise over San Jacinto and Santiago Peaks...



Ran into 'lik2hik' (great to see you again!) and 'norma r' (nice to meet you!) and had a nice chat.