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Mt. Baldy via Register Ridge Dec 12, 2008

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:08 am
by JMunaretto

Re: Mt. Baldy via Register Ridge Dec 12, 2008

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:27 am
by brian90620
Nice trip report :D . Register ridge looks like a cool route. I was also going up to Baldy yesterday, but unfourtunalty I didn't make it to the top due to my gf complaining that her knee hurt :( We were trying to follow a use trail we saw that looked like it went up the stream bed just behind the ski hut. We were just exploring this route, since we we were unsure if it was possible to make it up to the Devils Backbone trail from this way. :? ( I think it's possible, but it's very hard on the knee's) Also on our way up I think I passed by your group heading down the ski hut trail just below the bowl I was wearing a green shirt standing to the side of the trail waiting for my gf to catch up.......

Re: Mt. Baldy via Register Ridge Dec 12, 2008

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:03 pm
by HikeUp
Nice pics - great weather for picture taking. The blog is a nice idea.

Re: Mt. Baldy via Register Ridge Dec 12, 2008

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:07 pm
by Taco
Cool photos!

Re: Mt. Baldy via Register Ridge Dec 12, 2008

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:09 pm
by JMunaretto
brian90620 wrote:Nice trip report :D . Register ridge looks like a cool route. I was also going up to Baldy yesterday, but unfourtunalty I didn't make it to the top due to my gf complaining that her knee hurt :( We were trying to follow a use trail we saw that looked like it went up the stream bed just behind the ski hut. We were just exploring this route, since we we were unsure if it was possible to make it up to the Devils Backbone trail from this way. :? ( I think it's possible, but it's very hard on the knee's) Also on our way up I think I passed by your group heading down the ski hut trail just below the bowl I was wearing a green shirt standing to the side of the trail waiting for my gf to catch up.......
Oh yeah! You seemed a bit familiar, but hard to make out too much from an avatar photo. Nice seeing ya.

Coming down the upper part of the ski hut trail, we noticed that ridge above the ski hut too. Looks like it has potential, but its probably even steeper than RR. Might have to use hands on a lot of it.

Re: Mt. Baldy via Register Ridge Dec 12, 2008

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:45 am
by AlanK
JMunaretto wrote:Coming down the upper part of the ski hut trail, we noticed that ridge above the ski hut too. Looks like it has potential, but its probably even steeper than RR. Might have to use hands on a lot of it.
The great thing about Baldy is all that potential. I have been down to the ski hut via various routes on the scree slope above the Hut, but have never tried to go up that way. Not a bad idea for some fun, though. :)

Re: Mt. Baldy via Register Ridge Dec 12, 2008

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:31 pm
by EManBevHills
Nice job! Looked like a great day....