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Re: Lost Hiker-Los Padres Tar Creek

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:38 am
by outwhere
tekewin wrote: Drugs and the forest don't mix. A really bad trip.
Can't argue with that one - especially when it comes to alcohol. Luckily when we were younger and dumber, our 'parties' escaped relatively unharmed.

As much as I dread rattlesnakes - what inspired us to chase one around our Chilao Flats campground until it wrapped itself around a yucca a seemingly disappeared - yes, it was too many, waaaay too many Heinekens...

And albeit (maybe) less nutty than too many beers, I remember eating some homemade 'cookies' on our way to the top of Baldy. The girl that made them was no light weight, so all a sudden, they hit me like a heavy weight! Of course I was on a section of a trail that made me feel like I was on the side of the world, so I dropped on all fours and prayed for the 'fun' to go away just long enough so I could regain my composure. It took awhile and hikers passing by us just looked at us with eyes of pity and disgust.

You're post is spot on VermillionPearlGirl - wish I had read it a long time ago

Re: Lost Hiker-Los Padres Tar Creek

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:19 pm
by mchiker
Sounds like Herdman was the one ran off into the wild and his dog chased after him! What a strange ending to a weird story.

Re: Lost Hiker-Los Padres Tar Creek

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:38 pm
by tracker
mchiker wrote: Sounds like Herdman was the one ran off into the wild and his dog chased after him! What a strange ending to a weird story.
I bet the dog was the brains of this group. I wonder if his friend will come forward and tell a more complete account of events now.

Re: Lost Hiker-Los Padres Tar Creek

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:24 pm
by JerryN
While the circumstances superficially make him out to be an idiot, and he may well be, we don't know what was going on in his personal life that might have led him to make such poor decisions. So while his demise is explicable, it does not negate the tragedy for all involved.



Re: Lost Hiker-Los Padres Tar Creek

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:57 am
by Sewellymon
Ya no surprise.

I cannot stand in judgement. Only reason I survived those crazy 70's was perhaps I had enough miles under my boots so that by the time I found myself tripping hard way yonder, I had the good sense to not push things.