Ice House Canyon Trail

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Post by HikeUp »

Yay, the public now has official permission to go unprepared and unthinking out onto the trails with the warm fuzzy feeling that it is perfectly safe because, after all, the trails are open! AW is not ranting, btw.
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Post by AW~ »

HikeUp wrote: AW is not ranting, btw. ranting is really strange hehehe

For example:
If you would walk the paths — be prepared. Walk softly, O My Sisters, O My Brothers. Tread lightly, break not the stillness of the dawn.

Choose your path and walk forward, turn not back. And, when the stone appears the obstacle, turn each stone one by one. Do not try to move the mountain, but turn each stone that makes the mountain.

And when the desert sands sear your moccasins, curse not in despair. And when the path bristles with thorns, turn not from the path, for the strife of life are the thorns. Tread softly. Speak softly.

And when the cold winds buffet you, bend with the wind. And, soon, you will walk unattended.

Walk softly so that you will hear the sounds and hear the cries of the oppressed, the sick, the little ones, and those who seek you — be not ashamed that your tear mingles with theirs.

For in this walking there is an awakening. Think twice before you walk the trail. Then walk softly, O My Sisters, O My Brothers.

Coypright: Red Dawn, edited without permission.
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Post by Sean »

RichardK wrote:
Sean wrote: They don't have the legal standing to charge parking fees, yet they can shut down trails?
Yes, they do have legal authority to shut down trails. See 36 CFR 261.50
Okay, I never doubted it. They've been closing trails for decades. Just like they've been charging parking fees. Yet now one action has been deemed illegal, apparently. Can't wait until the other action is deemed illegal as well. Maybe then the FS will make the trails safer for the average user.
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