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Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:45 pm
by leeza22
Thanks Taco, and Norma and everyone else. We had lots of fun! Hope to see you again soon! I have some good pictures, but I'm still trying to figure out how to attach them on the post. Do you need to know the HTML codes for the images?

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:38 pm
by Taco
Thanks guys! Cool pics!

Leeza, you just need to put the tags on either side of the link, an example being (without the spaces, etc).

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:57 am
by DukeJH
I had a great time. So great in fact that I didn't take many pictures. Oh well. Those that I did take can been seen at ... ce=webs720.

I look forward to climbing with everyone again soon.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:34 am
by TracieB
I took a lot of pics they're here: ... 792926144/

Thanks again Taco!

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:10 am
by norma r
:D Taco, what a VERY FUN day we had! Thank you for organizing the day and directing us to the west bowl that kept us out of the rime ice trajectory. The warm sun and soft snow made glissading and self arrest happen in slow mo but at least those that were there for the first time got an "idea" of what skills you need for safe winter mountaineering. Thank you Siminov for kicking up the Spirit of Mountaineering a notch by making pancakes on your camp stove at the hut. :) Yum! and to So.Cal Mark for the homemade fudge! Double yum! :) :) It was great to see friends and meet new faces from the board including Johnny B, Leeza, Sergei, Ingrid, Mike P and Lcpl Hughes, Dave (Funyan005) and James (DukeJH). Tim!... you were there?... did we meet? :? was i hypoxic? Good to see you on frozen water Kirk! :wink:

Best of all for me, was seeing and knowing some of the attendees safely summited for the first time in winter. :D Maybe the Aetherians are right!?!... there is something magnetically magical about dear old Mount San Antonio. He brings you back again and again!

btw... Kathy Wing (wingding) a member of this board, told me a Meetup group, SoCal Hikers and Peakbaggers at has a weekend scheduled at Baldy with Kurt Wedberg's Sierra Mountaineering International for two days of snow skills. Sat Feb 12 Snow Travel and optional Sun Feb 13 Snow Anchors & Crevasse Rescue. There is a 20% discount if you apply as a member of this group by Jan 30th or you can directly register through the SMI website: I have taken the course and highly recommend it.

some of my pix from the day...

Baldy giving us a proper alpenglow greeting

Leeza on a traverse

Mark's "Regulation" mountaineering thermometer :wink: telling us it's a balmy 42 degrees on the bowl

Dave G topping out on a 51 degree headwall

As always... the views!

Dave G and Bluerail feelin' frisky

Battle of the rime

Running into Leeza and Sergei as they descend from their first winter summit

Steve and Taco wait near the summit so our group can be summit blasted together. Now that's truly the spirit!

Mark, Dave and James summiting

Johnny preparing for lift-off

So.CalMark ready for a fun descent

Motley and her crew back at Manker. Dave G, James, Mark, Dave, Steve, Taco and Johnny

:D Very fun day indeed! rest of my pix and videos are here: ... llsDay1811#

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:11 am
by Dave G

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:39 am
by norma r
Tracie, great photos! You captured the day!

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:00 am
by Funyan005
Awesome day! Thanks Taco and everyone for their tips and tricks. Was a sweet way to summit baldy in winter for the first time. Thank you all.
Especially thanks to Tracie who had an extra pair of sunglasses, and thankfully I'm not snow blind today!

On another note, anyone hear anything about that one guy who was hiking up that colouir after we were coming down? I saw a fire official on the road on the way down talking to some people and pointing up to where he was. Hopefully he made it down safe.


Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:16 pm
by Johnny Bronson
Fantastic pictures from everyone! =D (Hope yall dont mind if I use some for my personal photo accounts etc)

Regarding the young fellow climbing up in the unsafe situation.Taco and I informed a ranger that came by us.Basically telling him it was going to get dark soon (of course) and we saw some kid/person heading up the chute which could lead to some drama.

The ranger thanked us quickly and pretty much knew what chute/area and gestured like this isnt the first time in that area.Seems like a few kids probably have gotten way over their heads trying to go up the chute, having "fun" in the snow.

Glad there are rescue personal and safety people to help the masses.Much respect to those hard working people.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:21 pm
by Tim
norma r wrote: Tim!... you were there?... did we meet? :? was i hypoxic?
Haha, yeah unfortunately I didn't get to meet a lot of people. I was only at the Ski Hut briefly and then we had to break off because I had my own trainee. We were the three guys that went up towards the rocky chutes on the left side of the Bowl. We popped over the lip just as you guys were coming up the ridge.

But based on your pictures I guess we ran into Leeza and her friends. Hello! They followed us down the center of the Bowl. I was a little surprised they did because going over and down that lip at the top is a little intimidating but the snow was very forgiving that day. I probably would not have taken my friends down that way on an icier day.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:58 pm
by TracieB
norma r wrote: Tracie, great photos! You captured the day!
I dunno...your photos are awesome!

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:33 am
by simonov
Re: 29 January glacier travel practice


I'm not going to be able to make this. Came back from Vegas with a cold I am trying to shake.


Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:19 pm
by Taco
No worries! Hope it wears off soon.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:25 pm
by Hikin_Jim
norma r wrote: Kathy Wing (wingding) a member of this board, told me a Meetup group, SoCal Hikers and Peakbaggers at has a weekend scheduled at Baldy with Kurt Wedberg's Sierra Mountaineering International for two days of snow skills. Sat Feb 12 Snow Travel and optional Sun Feb 13 Snow Anchors & Crevasse Rescue. There is a 20% discount if you apply as a member of this group by Jan 30th or you can directly register through the SMI website: I have taken the course and highly recommend it.
Hey, Norma,

Do you know if SMI provides equipment for those who sign up? One of my hesitations for coming on this sort of thing is that I don't own all of the equipment necessary. I've got an axe and 'pons (vintage 80's stuff), but that's about it.


Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:03 pm
by norma r
Hikin_Jim wrote: Do you know if SMI provides equipment for those who sign up? One of my hesitations for coming on this sort of thing is that I don't own all of the equipment necessary. I've got an axe and 'pons (vintage 80's stuff), but that's about it.
I looked at their website and i didn't see a mention, but i know from experience they rent just about anything you need for an expedition or class. Their rental fees are pretty nominal.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:51 pm
by Hikin_Jim
norma r wrote:
Hikin_Jim wrote: Do you know if SMI provides equipment for those who sign up? One of my hesitations for coming on this sort of thing is that I don't own all of the equipment necessary. I've got an axe and 'pons (vintage 80's stuff), but that's about it.
I looked at their website and i didn't see a mention, but i know from experience they rent just about anything you need for an expedition or class. Their rental fees are pretty nominal.
OK, cool. Thanks for the info.

Dunno though. Klutz like me should probably stay away from sharp, pointy things and stick with hiking and backpacking. Looks fun and tempting though.


Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:47 pm
by norma r
Hikin_Jim wrote: Dunno though. Klutz like me should probably stay away from sharp, pointy things and stick with hiking and backpacking. Looks fun and tempting though. HJ
stick with hiking and backpacking... and flammable equipment? :wink:

As my hiking friends will attest my middle name ain't Grace! But i just LOVE hiking in snow. I always loved playing in it, i love skiing it and now i love hiking and climbing it. Guess it's either in your blood or it's not. Hopefully, we all find our passion and i found mine. :D

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:52 pm
by He219
Bring your skis, Norma!

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:33 pm
by simonov
Jim, all you need, as I recall, are ice axe, crampons, alpine harness and one locking caribiner.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:13 pm
by Hikin_Jim
norma r wrote:
Hikin_Jim wrote: Dunno though. Klutz like me should probably stay away from sharp, pointy things and stick with hiking and backpacking. Looks fun and tempting though. HJ
stick with hiking and backpacking... and flammable equipment? :wink:

As my hiking friends will attest my middle name ain't Grace! But i just LOVE hiking in snow. I always loved playing in it, i love skiing it and now i love hiking and climbing it. Guess it's either in your blood or it's not. Hopefully, we all find our passion and i found mine. :D
Well, I know people who have gotten hurt or killed doing winter mountaineering. That's actually how my dad died. I don't know anyone who has been seriously hurt with a stove, although they can be dangerous if you're not careful. I had a white gas one leak one time while in use about ten years ago. That was quite exciting.

I'm definitely not into high risk mountaineering, something like Snow Creek or anything like that. Anything that requires roping up on, snow anchors, pickets, etc. doesn't interest me. Way over my level of athleticism.

I would on the other hand like to improve my self arrest technique.

Dunno. Just thinking out loud here. Thank you for letting me share. :)


P.S. I'll call you Grace. :)

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:14 pm
by Hikin_Jim
simonov wrote: Jim, all you need, as I recall, are ice axe, crampons, alpine harness and one locking caribiner.
Got the first two; don't have the second two. :) And I think you need a helmet.


Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:21 pm
by norma r
i heard about your dad. i'm so sorry. my heart breaks every time i hear of an accident in this sport. as a result, i tend to err on the side of caution because of the reality of the risk involved.

in regards to Snowcreek, it has its reward to those who desire it, but i tell you, going up the ski hut trail and standing atop Baldy on a blustery winter day is pretty famn dabulous! you're not risking your life and you're having a heck of a great snow climb.

so if you want to increase your skill and just do Baldy, San G from Vivian Creek and San J from the tram, you ain't no slouch. you will enjoy each and every adventure.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:49 am
by He219
Kurt's also doing a private session the next couple of Thursdays in the bowl for a friend. Basic stuff. I can steer you to that group if you send me a pm.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:55 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Conditions at work are such that taking off on a couple of Thursdays isn't very realistic right now, but I hugely appreciate the offer. Something like that would be exceptionally good training.


Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:00 pm
by Taco
Just in case anyone was wondering, there will NOT be a glacier training day tomorrow. We'll reschedule for later.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:52 am
by bertfivesix
Oh thank god. I just got back from dodgeball completely destroyed and was kicking myself for having to miss tomorrow.

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:00 am
by Taco
Me too, sweetheart. Me too. 8)

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:57 am
by simonov
Photos, better late than never, including pics of Fritz' snowboard run down the Bowl. ... 681541187/

Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:10 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Looks like a really fabulous day. There were some really beautiful shots in there.

How was Dry Lake?


Re: Basic Mountaineering Orientation - Winter 2011

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:39 pm
by simonov
Hikin_Jim wrote: How was Dry Lake?
Fun! I need to process the photos from this last weekend, maybe tonight.