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Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:57 pm
by Kit Fox
As for illegal or legal, this is just another oversimplification. There are plenty of illegals here who are hard working. Some who even have sons and daughters in the military, I might add. Up until recently there was never and government push for these people to be legalized. It was always an "accepted" thing in areas like Los Angeles and California. Then, ever since 9/11 and the "terrorists within our borders" mentality," it seems like every illegal alien has been a scapegoat for all of America's problems.
That isn't true at all. Proposition 187 tried to do away with benefits for illegals back in 1994. It was passed with 58% of the vote. The problem was that it was poorly written, and was struck down by a federal judge. They were a burden to social services then, they are still a burden today.
I read somewhere back in the 70's there was actually a push BY our government to get folks from Mexico to come here and work in the fields of California, so I guess a lot of whether it's beneficial to have illegals or not depends on America's economic standpoint at the time - not that I"m agreeing with that mentality, by the way.
The population was far less back then. Another point often used is, "illegals do the jobs that Americans wont do." They forget to mention the second line, "at those wages." An example is the construction industry. Wages have been depressed for honest American contractors, because they can't competer financially with contractors that hire illegals. The bad contractors, don't pay workman's comp. If a legit contractor wants to pay a worker $20 bucks an hour, he has to pay an additional $10 per hour for workmans comp.
Even if they did - and I don't even think it's possible by the way - round up every single illegal in this country and sent them back to their native land, then people would start complaining about how much more expensive things would become. Farmers, store and restaurant owners, etc. would have to hire people at higher rates, which in turn would cost the consumer more $$$. Then people could start complaining about that too.
(i'm being true to my "insensative ways,")

They should send all the fat / lazy 4th generation welfare/ section 8 people to work in the fields, and the restaurants. This will never happen because these same people always vote (D), and no California politician wants to lose their core constituency.

Republicans are just as guilty, because they like the "cheap labor" for their big corporate/ farm donors.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:03 pm
and it's all drivin by vanity, definitely Satan's favorite sin.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:21 pm
by Dudley Heinsbergen
the east fork is the dirtiest place ive seen in the San Gabriels. its a shame, because it is one of my favorite places, even though it can sometimes be 90* in January.

but its not that bad once you get north of the Bridge to Nowhere.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:23 pm
Dudley Heinsbergen wrote:the east fork is the dirtiest place ive seen in the San Gabriels. its a shame, because it is one of my favorite places, even though it can sometimes be 90* in January.

but its not that bad once you get north of the Bridge to Nowhere.
This is good news. and it makes sense too. If you get yourself fit enough you can wade through all the crappy places to get to the areas that the general public won't go to because they aren't in shape. Can't wait till I can walk were ever I want to no matter how far it is. :D I WANNA HIKE FOREVER WITHOUT STOPPING!

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:14 pm
by HikeUp
necro post of the summer...

an excellant example of the epic battles here on one of the few i could find that hadn't been locked down by our fearless "moderatorartionator" Taco del Rio.

as much as FO was such an ass, he did keep the post count up.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:34 am
by Sean
Lots of issues with this thread.

1. OP links to a report on SummitPost. So who cares if the topic gets hijacked, right?

2. The hijackers' discussion goes in all sorts of weird directions, one of which is particularly funny given our current cultural context: Where, indeed, is the Latino version of Bill Cosby?
Kit Fox wrote: Remember when Bill Cosby stepped up and told black people to learn how to speak English, and to take care of their kids? Where are the so-called "hispanic leaders" to speak up and discourage the trashing or rivers, discourage their kids from tagging the rocks (most grafitti I see is from Latin gangs)
3. And also, perhaps it's time to stop posting about Fight On, as he is no longer allowed to respond on the forum.

Regarding the issue of trash in the mountains, my main concern is the garbage heaps that illegal pot farmers leave in the canyons far away from trails, making it difficult to pack out. That shit stays there for a long time. Plus, these criminals, in their spare time, deface trees and rocks deep within the wilderness, and that really spoils my off-trail experience, especially when I can't even read what they wrote because it's in Spanish.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:07 pm
by HikeUp

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:51 am
by RichardK
Sean wrote: my main concern is the garbage heaps that illegal pot farmers leave in the canyons far away from trails
Now that California has legalized recreational pot, does that not put an end to clandestine pot farms? Just like the repeal of Prohibition ended illegal alcohol production.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:11 pm
by Sean
RichardK wrote: Now that California has legalized recreational pot, does that not put an end to clandestine pot farms? Just like the repeal of Prohibition ended illegal alcohol production.
It has to do, in part, with burdensome taxes and regulations. If the governmental controls prove too costly to respect, then outlaws will continue to function outside the law. For example, even though we repealed Prohibition, outlaws still produce moonshine. The taxes and regulations on producing hard liquor are very burdensome in many states. It is still a federal crime to make moonshine at home for personal consumption. So if you don't want to pay an arm and a leg for legal liquor, you might be tempted to break the law and produce your own at less expense. Likewise with marijuana.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:47 am
by RichardK
When I lived in Tennessee 30 years ago, there were a few "good time" houses in certain neighborhoods. No, not that kind of good time. These places provided moonshine and gambling. Sooner or later, they all got raided. I think they were the last remnants of the moonshine industry.

Compared to fermenting grain and operating a still, growing pot is pretty easy. I did it once myself a long time ago. Stick some seeds in the ground and water. Nature does the rest. As I recall, I got a pretty good crop.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:16 am
by AW~
The thread was of such national significance, that Obama had to step in and issue an executive order that it would become a city park to satisfy the constitutional rights of everyone to have reparational access to 'green space' even if they sold their previous land off.

The San Gabriel Valley city park located near what was formely Heaton Flats will feature the Hilda Solis visitor center at the bottom of Hwy39 to welcome 'recreators', along with the Judy Chu glass walkway and the Obama 'forest bathing' garden. Its 'your land' now...if you want to mess this land up, you can mess this land up. Except for the nice Starbucks alongside an REI store alongside DNC offices with the Hillary Clinton statue for your enjoyment.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:30 am
by Sean
AW wrote: The San Gabriel Valley city park located near what was formely Heaton Flats will feature the Hilda Solis visitor center at the bottom of Hwy39 to welcome 'recreators', along with the Judy Chu glass walkway and the Obama 'forest bathing' garden.
Already purchased my tickets for the annual Gorpcore fashion show on the Judy Chu walkway.


I nominate AW for Chief Thread Hijacker.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:20 pm
by HikeUp
Sean wrote: I nominate AW for Chief Thread Hijacker.
I second the nomination.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:21 pm
by tekewin
Nice trip down the East Fork! I don't know the hell happened to the thread, but that was an impressive trip. Thanks for sharing it.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:18 am
by Sean
HikeUp wrote:
Sean wrote: I nominate AW for Chief Thread Hijacker.
I second the nomination.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:06 pm
by HikeUp
AW must be out squatching or we must have offended him! lol

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:19 pm
by AW~
HikeUp wrote: AW must be out squatching or we must have offended him! lol
Squatchy is hijacking a thread? 100% on target lol. Are the Allstate 'mayhem' commericals that old? We could go back to the era when parents told their kids 'dont stay out too late, or squatchy will get you'....or 'dont wander off too far!'. It was far more communicative that the squatchster would come to represent what could go wrong. Unlike Santa Claus, the squatchster is conspiracy no one has been able to disprove its existence.

So when someone goes off trail, if they think WWSG...which way would Squatch like you to go?... do they know?. Not the best example, since Squatch's ability lies in its predator status, but pretty effective for a pr campaign and navigation education simplification. For example, the predator vs prey is the schematic for cutting edge BNT(be no trace)

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:34 pm
by AW~
Sean wrote: I nominate AW for Chief Thread Hijacker.
I like the direction you took the walkway, but I was referring to the Cattle Canyon improvement project, which the purpose of it predates the monument strategy. Its the whole reason for the monument push.

Now if its ok to go futuristic and mention the relatively new RNR demand, then I dont mind being chief hijacker :)

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:40 pm
by HikeUp

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:11 pm
by Sean
AW wrote: I like the direction you took the walkway, but I was referring to the Cattle Canyon improvement project, which the purpose of it predates the monument strategy. Its the whole reason for the monument push.

Now if its ok to go futuristic and mention the relatively new RNR demand, then I dont mind being chief hijacker :)
Frankly I don't see much harm in reducing this ancient thread to Sasquatchian politics. I think it's hilarious. But we already have two or three serious threads about the Monument and related projects. So if you want to get more serious, perhaps we should take it to one of the other threads, for the sake of context and continuity. Or start a new topic for the CC project. Or not. It's up to you.

As Chief Thread Hijacker, it's really up to you to take hostages, issue demands and set the course of events.

Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:30 pm
by Sean
AW wrote: So when someone goes off trail, if they think WWSG...which way would Squatch like you to go?... do they know?. Not the best example, since Squatch's ability lies in its predator status, but pretty effective for a pr campaign and navigation education simplification. For example, the predator vs prey is the schematic for cutting edge BNT(be no trace)
You just blew my mind connecting Squatchy to BNT. I didn't realize how thoroughly he inspires new technologies...and old campaigns.


Re: East Fork - San Gabriel River - 7/19/08

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:29 pm
by AW~
Sean wrote: You just blew my mind connecting Squatchy to BNT. I didn't realize how thoroughly he inspires new technologies...and old campaigns.
Cool...yeah, he has an competitive edge over others , even other supernatural style half-humans. One is conspiracy(or a high level of organization), but also his understanding of the law of the mountains is unmatched. He is an expert adaptionist, vs these other developers. One on one he would easily beat Predator. If a product would even be endorsed half-heartedly by Squatch, it would be a best seller immediately.

Eventually BNT updates the learner that there was misleading info given on Squatchy...kind of sad when Squatchy diminishes considerably(like 99%). Not entirely...Squatchy is that bad azz.