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Re: Obama to designate chunk of San Gabriel Mountains a national

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:43 pm
by Sean
Also, it's not true that during the Lowe days the forest saw few visitors. The tram alone had about 3 million riders over forty-five years. That's a conservative average of 66k a year, with probably close to 100k during peak years.

And that's just the tram. People were also driving and hiking to other popular destinations.

Sure, there is more traffic now--because of further development both in the cities and mountains.

Also, city-dwellers have not removed every sign of nature. Entire roads are lined with massive oak trees and lawns. People plant gardens, landscape parks, and keep various pets.

Cities reflect the values of its residents. You bring up some negatives, but there are far more positives to focus on.

Re: Obama to designate chunk of San Gabriel Mountains a national

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:08 pm
by CrazyHermit
Obama sucks my left nut.

Re: Obama to designate chunk of San Gabriel Mountains a national

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:30 am
by AW~
More 'subcontracting': National Fish & Wildlife Foundation

More forest projects. Good to know this subcontractor is experts on forestry.
Just to busy with their expertise, so they subcontracted these projects....piling up to KJ Peterson Inc.....which is Kathy J Peterson, former ANF spokesperson. Who is associated with the organizations who led the land grab.

Id say the most interesting project is the Williamson Rock area....we'll see! It says 2 years for a decision.