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Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 3:50 pm
AlanK wrote:I am still confused as to why my use or non-use of GU on some past hike is important to this forum. I freely admit that I am pulling someone's chain by failing to publish in this space a complete accounting of my GU consumption. However, I provided in my TR enough information to answer the question of whether or not I eat GU on hikes. Some posters (e.g., Hikin_Jim) have picked up on that fact, although I doubt that they care about the answer.

1. One can conclude that "Thank God for GU" implies consumption of GU on our recent Horseshoe Meadows hike.

2. I hope that everyone here knows that I have the minimal intelligence to not use some product for the first time on the hardest day hike of my life. If you don't know that" I will assert here that it is true that I am at least that smart.


That's about all there is to say, although I will add that I think that GU is a fine product and heartily recommend it to others for its intended use.
FINALLY! :lol: Sort of I guess! Oh well, I had planned to ask more questions about your GU but you've made it pretty clear that you would rather avoid the subject all together. Thanks for finally (I think) answering, admitting, confessing? (if you would have clarified the first time I asked sheeze) what was a simple question. Don't worry, I won't tell anybody! :lol:

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:30 pm
by AlanK
FIGHT ON wrote:FINALLY! :lol: Sort of I guess! Oh well, I had planned to ask more questions about your GU but you've made it pretty clear that you would rather avoid the subject all together. Thanks for finally (I think) answering, admitting, confessing? (if you would have clarified the first time I asked sheeze) what was a simple question. Don't worry, I won't tell anybody! :lol:
You can tell anyone anything you wish. I was not avoiding the subject. I just thought I had answered the basic question already and was curious about where you wanted to go from there.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:02 pm
AlanK wrote:
FIGHT ON wrote:FINALLY! :lol: Sort of I guess! Oh well, I had planned to ask more questions about your GU but you've made it pretty clear that you would rather avoid the subject all together. Thanks for finally (I think) answering, admitting, confessing? (if you would have clarified the first time I asked sheeze) what was a simple question. Don't worry, I won't tell anybody! :lol:
You can tell anyone anything you wish. I was not avoiding the subject. I just thought I had answered the basic question already and was curious about where you wanted to go from there.
Seriously AlanK, it's ok. Maybe it's that human frailty again. I asked you many times, straight up, and you danced around and hid behind HJ and such. Wow! I actually asked you if you ate it on your hike. omg! Don't know how I could have been more clear? It's obviously a subject that you wouldn't be up front about and would be honest about so what's the point?

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:49 pm
by AlanK
FIGHT ON wrote:Seriously AlanK, it's ok. Maybe it's that human frailty again. I asked you many times, straight up, and you danced around and hid behind HJ and such. Wow! I actually asked you if you ate it on your hike. omg! Don't know how I could have been more clear? It's obviously a subject that you wouldn't be up front about and would be honest about so what's the point?
As I said, I had answered the question quite clearly before you ever asked it. I was pulling your chain because I could not figure out why you were so obsessed with getting me to provide the same answer over and over.

We're talking about sugar gel, for God's sake. It's good stuff. I like it, and so do many other folks. It certainly doesn't belong in a thread about performance enhancement.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:55 pm
AlanK wrote:
FIGHT ON wrote:Seriously AlanK, it's ok. Maybe it's that human frailty again. I asked you many times, straight up, and you danced around and hid behind HJ and such. Wow! I actually asked you if you ate it on your hike. omg! Don't know how I could have been more clear? It's obviously a subject that you wouldn't be up front about and would be honest about so what's the point?
As I said, I had answered the question quite clearly before you ever asked it. I was pulling your chain because I could not figure out why you were so obsessed with getting me to provide the same answer over and over.

We're talking about sugar gel, for God's sake. It's good stuff. I like it, and so do many other folks. It certainly doesn't belong in a thread about performance enhancement.
Human frailty. Come on. It's a sensitive subject to you. go find some words to hide behind. :lol:

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:34 pm
by AlanK
If you ever want to have a serious conversation, let me know. Otherwise, feel free to snipe away without me.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:45 pm
AlanK wrote:If you ever want to have a serious conversation, let me know. Otherwise, feel free to snipe away without me.
:lol: you might think you answered the question before I asked it! :lol:

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:08 pm
by Funyan005
What the heck just happened to this thread

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:12 pm
Funyan005 wrote:What the heck just happened to this thread
shhh! I can't tell, I promised! :lol:

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:45 pm
by HikeUp
Time to buy a vowel.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:54 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Funyan005 wrote:What the heck just happened to this thread
FIGHT ON gets a tad obsessed with people who "won't answer his questions" when in fact they have. All this blathering about a sugar gel? Go figure. Pretty strange if you ask me.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:02 pm
by Funyan005
Pretty strange if you ask me.
Indeed. What can we expect from someone who has nipple openings on their shirt?

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:42 am
Hikin_Jim wrote:
Funyan005 wrote:What the heck just happened to this thread
FIGHT ON gets a tad obsessed with people who "won't answer his questions" when in fact they have. All this blathering about a sugar gel? Go figure. Pretty strange if you ask me.
:lol: It was one question, just to clarify, only one. It reminded me of watching "the guy in the park"! except this time he was hiding, EVERYWHERE! :lol: anyway, a discussion about what energy products that AlanK eats to achieve distances times and such does not interest me, now. and I really like my SPIRIT OF TROY thing over there below my name and don't want to have it changed back to CAPSLOCK MASTER again! :lol: (and I really don't want to see that white lion coming out of that cage again either), so mums the word!
see below

Admin / Ice Pirate
Admin / Ice Pirate

Joined: 27 Sep 2007
Posts: 1054
Location: Kami No San Gabriel Keikoku

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:11 am Post subject: Reply with quote

:arrow: Fair warning, one more referance to GU and you'll get a new username! Twisted Evil

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:35 pm
by Taco
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood right now... I am having a real hard time telling where some of these posts are coming from. Bear with me, please.

I'll be back in a bit. Perhaps I am missing something here tonight.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:03 pm
TacoDelRio wrote:Maybe I'm just in a bad mood right now... I am having a real hard time telling where some of these posts are coming from. Bear with me, please.

I'll be back in a bit. Perhaps I am missing something here tonight.
Go hike Bear Flat to Baldy right now! Fix that bad mood right now jiffy quick!!!

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:07 pm
by Taco
Somehow I don't think that's going to help.

I don't mean to step on any toes, just some things on this forum ain't "jiving" so great right about now.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:46 am
TacoDelRio wrote:Somehow I don't think that's going to help.

I don't mean to step on any toes, just some things on this forum ain't "jiving" so great right about now.
Post rules.
Like the San Gorgonio Wilderness Association does on their forum.

The San Gorgonio Backcountry Bulletin Board exists as a forum for sharing information (NOT DEBATING ISSUES) between San Gorgonio visitors. Poor water supply at a certain camp? Need trip planning or equipment advice? Discuss it here. Topics should be relevant to the San Gorgonio Wilderness, San Bernardino National Forest, other outdoor adventure areas, and associated information. SAN GORGONIO WATER SOURCE CONDITIONS

Complete Board RULES are found here. Please read and understand the rules. Thank you.

Every message board has rules of some sort.
That one is like an information forum only.
I never saw the admin on that one. i vision him standing off to the side with a long handle axe waiting for someone to DEBATE something and chopping off their fingers. lizard tails squirming all over the place. AND NO MONEYS TOWARD A NEW KEY BOARD EITHER.
:lol: I'm scared to death to post there! :lol: I'm like looking around behind me sitting on my hands the whole time while I read the posts. and when I finally get the nerve to type something, I stand up and get into a running starting position and poke that submit button and run like hell down the street screaming for my life! looking around for some big VOICE to come over the horizon filling the whole sky and swallowing me all up. YOU SAID SOMETHING WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL NOW DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!!!!!!! I WILL NOW EAT YOU ALIIIIIIIIIIVE!
I sense you want something similar. well not like that but Like staying on topic at least and keeping the insane stuff on that new sticky.
I don't see anyone using offensive language.
you the adim with the thing and the stuff so the way I look at it, it's your ball park. People gots to be playin' by YOUR rules.
You did say you don't care if anyones feelings get hurt. but maybe that changed? so go get an axe! oh wait! YOU GOT GUNS!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
hit the deck!

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:25 am
by 406
Funyan005 wrote:What the heck just happened to this thread
I tried to save it back on page 6.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:16 am
by AlanK
406 wrote:
Funyan005 wrote:What the heck just happened to this thread
I tried to save it back on page 6.
Nice try, 406!

This thread degenerated into meaningless banter. I am not claiming innocence, since I got drawn into it. I'll try to avoid that in the future. I see nothing wrong with a little banter, but no one benefits when it gets out of hand.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:21 am
by Hikin_Jim
here, here.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:36 pm
by Taco
I do not like most Bob Marley songs. However, on thursdays, snowfall in Houston seems to increase from none to slightly more than wait a second, I don't like ham sadnwiches and your mother is tapdancing on the Death Star.

Such is this.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:54 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Wow, it's all becoming clear to me now.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:36 pm
Hikin_Jim wrote:Wow, it's all becoming clear to me now.
:lol: It was crystal clear to me. word for word translation in fact! But he should have used gray font colour to match the theme of insincerity and upper case (CAP LOCKS) on the drawn into it crap. :lol: Very precise Taco!

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:57 am
by Taco


Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:21 pm
by moverduin
hardest hikes i've done:

1. C2C, enough said..
2. day canyon and smith ridge en route to cucamonga peak from rancho. very hard. I nearly died from heat exhaustion. Bush wacking was notorious in the canyon, and we opted to hike up to the crest of smith ridge instead. bushwacking became even worse, and so did the loose ground. Hiked down smith ridge and swore never to do it again.
3. bear flats, an honestly hard hike in my opinion.
4. fish fork from guffy, also hard because we got lost, and we couldnt find our way to the river from fish fork camp, a sign was there though "fish fork camp". nice campground atleast. A lot of water and springs in this area, it was an amazing place...they run all year. very desolate and remote.

never done iron mtn, mt. baldy via heaton flats or stanley miller mine (which i hear is the least accessible area in the san gabriels).

A future hike is to go from phelan to rancho cucamonga over mt. baldy. you walk up to wrightwood (via sheepcreek wash), follow acorn and do the north backbone. follow the devils backbone down to cucamonga peak and down deer canyon to rancho cucamonga.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:55 am
by Hikin_Jim
moverduin wrote: fork from guffy, also hard because we got lost, and we couldnt find our way to the river from fish fork camp, a sign was there though "fish fork camp". nice campground atleast. A lot of water and springs in this area, it was an amazing place...they run all year. very desolate and remote.
So, did you go to the camp on Fish Fork above the falls or did you go to the camp where Fish Fork joins the N Fork of the San Gabriel River? What route did you take from Guffy? Just down the road? And then the trail from Lupine or down Prairie Fork to the N Fork?
moverduin wrote: ...stanley miller mine (which i hear is the least accessible area in the san gabriels).
Been there just once about 20 years ago. Interesting area and not so stripped like some of the other mines. Lots of old gas cans and stuff. Big old cast iron stove there. Hard to find. I just did a compass bearing from the N Fork and went up the side of the canyon. Serious bushwhack. I found it because I saw chimneys from old cabins sticking out of the brush. I tried to go again another time using the old trail from the Allison Mine (because it was so tough to get to from the river), but it was so overgrown even twenty years ago that I abandoned the idea. Might not be able to find the trail anymore. The trail to Allison mine was badly overgrown the last time I was there, but twenty years ago it really wasn't that bad. I even took a backpack down to the mine and spent the night there. Some of the buildings were still intact twenty years ago. The old outhouse had a TP spindle still in place twenty years ago, but nothing was intact when I was there last. Likewise the Bighorn mine still had some wooden buildings -- cabins and such -- back in the 70's when I first visited. Nothing left but the remains of the stamp mill by the main shaft now.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:48 pm
by moverduin
Hikin_Jim wrote: So, did you go to the camp on Fish Fork above the falls or did you go to the camp where Fish Fork joins the N Fork of the San Gabriel River? What route did you take from Guffy? Just down the road? And then the trail from Lupine or down Prairie Fork to the N Fork?
I believe we camped at the fish fork above the falls, which was on the south side of pine mountain ridge, we didnt quite make it to fish fork creek, but we were next to a stream. At fish fork, the map indicates a mile to go to get to the fish fork stream, but there wasn't really any trail to follow and too much bushwacking, so we abandoned the idea.

We followed the road from guffy to lupine, and continued it over pine mountain ridge, and around the other side.

Fish fork camp is also known because it's the start of the abandoned "dawson peak trail." I tried to find this too from there, but no such luck. You can also locate the end of the dawson peak trail while hiking the north backbone trail between pine mountain and dawson peak. If you continue down this path, you'll eventually end up in fish fork, after 6 long switchbacking miles and 3600' of elevation loss. never tried, but will.
Hikin_Jim wrote: Been there just once about 20 years ago. Interesting area and not so stripped like some of the other mines. Lots of old gas cans and stuff. Big old cast iron stove there. Hard to find. I just did a compass bearing from the N Fork and went up the side of the canyon. Serious bushwhack. I found it because I saw chimneys from old cabins sticking out of the brush. I tried to go again another time using the old trail from the Allison Mine (because it was so tough to get to from the river), but it was so overgrown even twenty years ago that I abandoned the idea. Might not be able to find the trail anymore. The trail to Allison mine was badly overgrown the last time I was there, but twenty years ago it really wasn't that bad. I even took a backpack down to the mine and spent the night there. Some of the buildings were still intact twenty years ago. The old outhouse had a TP spindle still in place twenty years ago, but nothing was intact when I was there last. Likewise the Bighorn mine still had some wooden buildings -- cabins and such -- back in the 70's when I first visited. Nothing left but the remains of the stamp mill by the main shaft now.

Wow, that's quite impressive. Stanley Miller is rarely visited. I saw a picture of an old ore wagon at the entrance of the tunnel. Neat. I believe there was another picture of an intact cabin there, with an old mattress and everything (i might be thinking of gold dollar). Are there spring nearby stanley miller mine? I really want to visit that place now.

Bighorn is also neat, but like you stated, its been vandalized. I walked in the tunnel quite a ways a long time ago, its a weird sensation.

There are a few other mines as well in the san gabriels. Gold Dollar mine on san antonio ridge, which is rarely visited. Cables are still intact, running up the side of the ridge from cow canyon area. This can be a good heaton flats hike i think.

another good hike is mt williamson from devils punchbowl, VERY steep and sandy though. You come across an airplane crash on the saddle as you approach mt williamson.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:08 am
by Hikin_Jim
moverduin wrote: I believe we camped at the fish fork above the falls, which was on the south side of pine mountain ridge, we didnt quite make it to fish fork creek, but we were next to a stream. At fish fork, the map indicates a mile to go to get to the fish fork stream, but there wasn't really any trail to follow and too much bushwacking, so we abandoned the idea.
That's a shame that the lower part of the trail is no more. That's a nice area, but it is seldom visited by virtue of its geography.
moverduin wrote: We followed the road from guffy to lupine, and continued it over pine mountain ridge, and around the other side.
OK, standard route. Gotcha.
moverduin wrote: Fish fork camp is also known because it's the start of the abandoned "dawson peak trail." I tried to find this too from there, but no such luck.
It's a shame that we're losing so many trails. Sigh. I remember doing a loop years and years ago (60's? 70's?) with my dad from Blue Ridge to Pine to Dawson, then down the Dawson Pk Trail, up over Pine Mtn Ridge to Lupine, up the road a bit from Lupine, and then XC back to Blue Ridge and our car. Long day.
moverduin wrote: You can also locate the end of the dawson peak trail while hiking the north backbone trail between pine mountain and dawson peak. If you continue down this path, you'll eventually end up in fish fork, after 6 long switchbacking miles and 3600' of elevation loss. never tried, but will.
Good to know it can still be picked up at the top.
moverduin wrote: Wow, that's quite impressive. Stanley Miller is rarely visited. I saw a picture of an old ore wagon at the entrance of the tunnel. Neat. I believe there was another picture of an intact cabin there, with an old mattress and everything (i might be thinking of gold dollar). Are there spring nearby stanley miller mine? I really want to visit that place now.
I was only out for the day. I didn't really get a chance to fully explore because I wanted to be back to my car by dark. I did not find any water near the mine, but the map shows an old trail going into Clark Gulch. I speculate that this old trail went to water.
moverduin wrote: Bighorn is also neat, but like you stated, its been vandalized. I walked in the tunnel quite a ways a long time ago, its a weird sensation.
I read somewhere that Bighorn has the longest tunnel in the area.
moverduin wrote: There are a few other mines as well in the san gabriels. Gold Dollar mine on san antonio ridge, which is rarely visited. Cables are still intact, running up the side of the ridge from cow canyon area. This can be a good heaton flats hike i think.
I visited the Baldora Mine from Heaton Flats some years ago (late 80's?). It was interesting. Someone had restored one of the old cabins, making it habitable again. The shaft itself had collapsed at the entrance. I would think the Gold Dollar to be far more inaccessible than the Stanley-Miller.
moverduin wrote: another good hike is mt williamson from devils punchbowl, VERY steep and sandy though. You come across an airplane crash on the saddle as you approach mt williamson.
I know exactly which plane you're talking about. What route did you take from the Punchbowl?

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:54 pm
by Richard N.
In the San Gabriels I'll give my nod to Iron Mountain. I've done just about every hike there is and Iron kicks my butt everytime. Not even the Gabrieleno Trail did that.
Vivian to Gorgonio is not as tough but the elevation will get you.
C2C I hear a lot about but I have yet to hear any one go up and return the same way. Everyone returns via the tram.

Outside of these hills its a toss up between (2) day hikes.
#1 Cottonwood Basin to Mt Langley then over to Cirque Peak and down via Cottonwood Pass. About 34+ miles but one great day.
#2 Jefferey Canyon Ridge to White Mountain.. All UP Up UP!!!! You start @ about 5,500' and end up over 14,000'. Mileage, who cared, just making it up and back down was enough. Its a once in a lifetime hike. 18 hours of hiking. I did that 2 years ago at the young age of 53. You gata love it.

Re: What's the hardest hike you've ever done?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:55 am
by HikeUp
Richard N. wrote:C2C I hear a lot about but I have yet to hear any one go up and return the same way. Everyone returns via the tram.
If you ever wonder if any thing has been done before, look to Rick Kent first... ... lderID=467 ... hlight=c2c