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Re: Missing man near Millard (Albert Zisook)
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:58 pm
by Gene
Sean wrote: courtney wrote: i am curious, is radio silence after suicide SAR protocol, or media protocol? or..?
There's a whole science devoted to reporting on suicide. You could google it and find websites and articles. I don't know what the various protocols are for various media and SAR groups. I'm sure it's a difficult situation to be in. Personally I don't like to speculate. But this was a public affair, so we should expect the public to speculate in the absence of solid information.
There is a possibility to encourage copy cat suicides. It's the same for shootings, unfortunately the media and interest groups just cannot resist splashing the stories all over the place.
Re: Missing man near Millard (Albert Zisook)
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 3:36 pm
by courtney
yeah, the copycat aspect definitely makes sense to me, and psychology of holding back certain details, etc. i was more specifically wondering about the idea that it might be a common practice for any public incident of this nature - if it was found to be suicide - to be swept under the rug, like david was suggesting.
semi-relatedly, i often notice that there will be a lot of news about something while it’s under investigation, but rarely a follow up once answers are found. i’ve wondered if this is due to privacy requests or other things, or if it’s simply people’s short attentions spans! like maybe the media just assumes everyone has moved on, while i’m over here like, but what haaaaappened? ?
Re: Missing man near Millard (Albert Zisook)
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 12:08 am
by courtney
not sure if the lack of detail here is because they weren’t ever able to determine cause of death, or if it’s a respect thing, but RIP albert, and well wishes to the injured.
[edit] found this. cause of death is deferred:
Re: Missing man near Millard (Albert Zisook)
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 4:49 am
by David R
It's officially noted on the coroner's website, which is why they announced it now, shows date of death as July 8th but cause of death has still not been determined.
Re: Missing man near Millard (Albert Zisook)
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:30 am
by Uncle Rico
Certainly not the outcome anyone wanted, but the outcome we probably all expected at this stage. RIP Albert. ?
I'm sure there are legitimate reasons to not make any premature public announcements about the how and the when and the why (stonehillnews knows these reasons), but I don't really understand why the public couldn't have at least been told "hey everyone, just to let you know, Albert body has been found. No further details are available at this time." Seems reasonable after the public was notified of his disappearance and encouraged to be on the lookout for him and to provide authorities with any information on his whereabouts.
Re: Missing man near Millard (Albert Zisook)
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 8:47 am
by courtney
agreed, uncle rico! very curious.
Re: Missing man near Millard (Albert Zisook)
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:23 am
by David R
They put up the cause of death on the coroner's website natural, ARTERIOSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, probably a heart attack.