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Re: Clamshell, Rankin, Monrovia, Pine (NHPS)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:59 pm
by everyday
LOL. yeah, i know i sounded a bit whiney, sorry

Re: Clamshell, Rankin, Monrovia, Pine (NHPS)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:02 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Mike P wrote: Careful there, Everyday. We might have to call the "waaaahmbulance" for you. :)

Re: Clamshell, Rankin, Monrovia, Pine (NHPS)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:49 pm
by mcphersonm80
everyday wrote: I wish i could afford a map-making gps thingy...ill c if i can get one for Xmas from my Dad! ha! ill check out TOPO too
Do you have a smartphone? If so, there are plenty of apps that will export files to Google Earth and leave you with a fun little route to play with (even if the elevations are inexplicably off).

Did this with my phone:

And back on the original topic, how the hell did you cover that many miles in that brush?! I messed around up in the Mt Bliss area and couldn't get anywhere... impressive :shock:

Re: Clamshell, Rankin, Monrovia, Pine (NHPS)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:43 pm
by turtle
mcphersonm80 wrote: And back on the original topic, how the hell did you cover that many miles in that brush?!
As noted above, really only the first third of the route was in brush. The bulk of the route was on fire roads.

On my map, the crosses represent transitions from road to (usually overgrown) trail. (The last transition is to the Ben Overturff trail, which is of course in great shape.)

I picked the crosses because they resembled an intersection or junction. Seeing them on the map it occurred to me that they were likely intended as "First Aid" icons. The present condition of my shins suggests this was in a fact an apt choice. :?

Re: Clamshell, Rankin, Monrovia, Pine (NHPS)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:44 pm
by HikeUp
Couldn't help it...

Re: Clamshell, Rankin, Monrovia, Pine (NHPS)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:48 pm
by Ze Hiker
oh yes, the ridge up to Clamshell was my first off trial route, mostly because I read it on the HPS and thought it was a well established trail. the brush was pretty annoying, but now that I've seen worse, it's not too bad really. I thought the loop (w/o Pine) is a decent route in the winter actually.