West Ridge to Los Pinetos Peak
A large firebreak has been recreated just south of the Fremont BM that accesses the ridge and continues all the way to the Los Pinetos fire road. Top Hat peak AKA Peak 3,119 burned and the register is gone. The Sylmar fire got to the top of this ridge in a couple of places but did not go over. The route is pretty ugly but it is wide open for now.
This hike without a fire is ugly as sin. The first mile is on mainly paved road following the freeway with tons of trash. Then you get a chance to hike through a maze of transmission towers and hear the electricity zapping above you and plenty of rusted detritus. The whole time the roar and then the hum of the freeways is very evident. The firebreak has only one section of shade otherwise there isn't much to see. The final payoff is a view of the SFV, yay.Sean wrote: Sun Mar 02, 2025 4:14 pm There should be a contest for ugliest post-fire hike. Winner receives the ugliest beanie I've found on the trails.
I recommend the route my father and I did in August of 2021. It was a lovely loop, the only problem being it was August and way too hot by the time we finished.
Elsmere Canyon is the Pico formation at its rugged best, Oak Savanna at least *used to* adorn the western slope, and the summit is a central view of the known world in every direction, with the as yet undiscovered beckoning from beyond.