She is 6 years old now, so too big for the shotgun seat or seat I rigged on the rack and time to ride her own bike in. I used a tow strap for most of the up hill.

The mirror was helpful to keep an eye on what she is up to, but difficult for me to look down while riding. Would get one for helmet for next trip:

She wanted to hike her bike up a few hills and actually skipped while doing so, first I had ever seen anyone do that:

camp and victory beer for me:

I had brought just one freeze dried dinner, thinking a Peak Refuel Chicken and Pesto would be enough for both of us. She ate 90%, and kept going on about how it was the best dinner ever and why can't I cook this at home. I mostly had some cashews for dinner.
Night went well, she got up to pee 6" from front door of tent

Ride out was mostly down and I was nervous she would get going to fast, but did great. Complained one time her hand was sore from pulling the brake on the dirt road and we stopped to rest. She really liked the trail part because less braking and flows pretty nice.

Flowers are pretty good out there right now and nice and green.
Swim in the river after:

Then rush back to town to miss by 2 min the oldest kid getting a reading award at school

Taking the youngest next. Will be his first trip away from home that is also away from his mom. Was the same for middle kid, but he has a bit of the Mother Boy. Wish me luck.