Rincon Shortcut Road
- Tom Kenney
- Posts: 386
- Joined: Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:51 pm
The last storm did some severe damage in the Mt. Wilson area (north side, West Fork). Many hundreds of trees blown down on Shortcut Road and Rincon Road (probably also all trails in the area). I did what should have been a quick ride yesterday that turned into a '3 hour tour' as I dragged my bicycle through the horizontal forest. This is the worst deadfall event I've seen up there!
- CrazyHermit
- Posts: 343
- Joined: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:03 pm
I walked up part of it from the bottom. It is a lonnnnnng ass road. You can take a 4 wheeler the whole way if you get a permit.
- Tom Kenney
- Posts: 386
- Joined: Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:51 pm
I did the exact opposite, rode my bike from Red Box to Pine Mtn, saw the road dropping precipitously toward CA-39, and decided I'd seen enough!CrazyHermit wrote: I walked up part of it from the bottom. It is a lonnnnnng ass road. You can take a 4 wheeler the whole way if you get a permit.

I read a TR somewhere a while (years) ago, a group did a hike from Rincon Road over Monrovia Peak and down the southern slope to some park. They got the permit to do the shuttle.
- CrazyHermit
- Posts: 343
- Joined: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:03 pm
Here's a pdf with all the rules. You can pick up a permit at the East Fork OHV area or at the Glendora ranger station
https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 319636.pdf
https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 319636.pdf
Huehuehuehue, now I have ridden the whole thing. Dima, my buddy and I have been talking about driving up there for a while now. He volunteers with the FS, so I think it wouldn’t be too hard to get it done if you wanna go. Just gotta do the impossible task of having the same days off!
- Tom Kenney
- Posts: 386
- Joined: Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:51 pm
There's a report on TrailForks (with lurid photo) about a huge slide blocking Shortcut just north of the ford of West Fork. Looks impassable bad. Options for accessing the mid-country are getting pretty thin, even for us persistent types.